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Hello there you beautiful people! Welcome to my Subnautica fan-fiction story! *confetti explodes everywhere*

As I stated in the description of the book this fan-fiction is based off of a video game called Subnautica which is made by Unknown Worlds Entertainment. I do not own this game or the main story line I have used. I also is the actual recordings from this game and they are in between ** these symbols and I do not own these either. I do however own the main characters I use and the story line I created separate from the main story line.

I wrote this book while I was actually playing Subnautica so that I could get the main storyline of the game right and put my own twist into it. So this book does contain spoilers for the ending of the game.

I am currently working on editing this book currently as of March 2021. I need to make some changes and fix up mistakes I have made so expect lots of random updates and changes to the chapters. This notice will be removed once I am done.

There is swearing in the book but it doesn't happen every two sentences. I usually use it to emphasize stressful or angry moments or to give a type of language to a character. Just be aware of that if it bothers you.

If you don't know what this game is when you are reading this, the book starts off where the game would start off and roughly has the same story line so you can just jump right into reading. Some things might be confusing if you aren't already familiar with this universe so I'll try to describe things as best as I can. I would highly recommend playing this game though or watching YouTube videos because Subnautica is beautifully made and quiet interesting.

ALSO, LAST THING! Please don't be shy to comment on my book! It makes me happy when I know the people who are reading are enjoying what I have created. I will be putting questions at the end of each chapter under this ⬇️ arrow so please feel free to answer them! I want to get to know the people interested in reading my books but obviously it's up to you whether you want to comment or not.

Anyway, that's the end of the introduction. You may now move on to the rest of the book...if you dare. But seriously, thank you for reading my book and I hope you enjoy it!

Just the two of us *Under editing* (Subnautica fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now