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Screeches of a crying baby echo as my damaged ears aggressively throb and my eyes unsecure. I look around in confusion to what all the noise was. The more I examined my surroundings the more I realised, this is serious and I could be in danger.
My first instinct was to look around for Ryu. But he was no where to be seen which made my body feel completely tense. I knew full well it wouldn't change until I could see him safe and sound.
I push my body up and start to stroll around the swarms of fatigued people, also looking for the people they care and love for most. Where is he? Did he get hurt? I don't understand. I don't even completely know what's going on. Where's the coach? I remember clearly. The last place I was in, was a coach. None of this is making any sense.
I continue to rummage my way through the people. Listening out for a familiar call and looking out for a familiar body shape. No luck. No familiar noise. What if he really is in danger? Stuck or freaking out that he might die. I don't want to say goodbye to him, this isn't how it should end!
"RYU! RYU! PLEASE. RYU! PLEASE FOLLOW MY VOICE." I scream my lungs out.
"PLEASE RYU. LISTEN OUT FOR ME!" I screech yet again.
I continue walking and following the echoes of the continuous voices. I stop. Still as I am certain I hear a familiar voice. I turn to my left. Shut my eyes. Focus and let myself follow the voice. I take steps forward and the voice gets louder. As the voice gets louder, my breathing gets heavier.
There it was. That voice, the one I know. I open my eyes to reveal a stranger. I got it all wrong. It's not him. It just sounded like him. My heart shatters into a million pieces as I realise he's still out there. Somewhere.
I continue what I was doing before. Rummaging and pushing through the swarm of people, screaming out my beloved's name. It felt like I was never going to find him and this was it. I'm never gonna see him again.
"YUA. YUAAAA. WHERE ARE YOU?" Another familiar voice screams at the top of his lungs.
As I turn my head around, my heart aggressively races at the sight I see. There he is! My love. He's alive! Real! I push through the crowds to only watch him walk farther away as he calls out my name. Come back this way! No. Not that way! I keep thinking to myself. But before I knew it, he was nowhere to be seen in the swarm of people.
"Dang it. So close." I disappointedly mumble to myself
Water droplets dribble down my eye as I continue to follow the crowds in the hope to find him. No luck. Yet again.
"RYU! PLEASE. FOLLOW MY VOICE." I loudly yelp out.
My body drops to the floor as I kneel down to my knees. I cover my eyes as I weep my troubles away. I'm never going to find him. Am I? He's gone. He's too far away.
"Yua?" A voice questions.
A light touch on my shoulder made me jump in confusion. I slowly turn around to reveal a sight that I did not expect to see at all. Not right now. Not yet. But I was glad to see to them safe and sound. Ryu.
My face brightens up as I see his familiar face. I jump up and tightly embrace him as he holds me gently.
"I thought I lost you. I-I-I saw you earlier but you kept walking." I whisper into his ear.
"I thought I heard your voice. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." Ryu whispers back.
"We need to get out of here. I want to go home." I Instruct Ryu.
He nods. I tightly grab his hand as we look around for a place to run. We give each other the nod of approval and run straight ahead and didn't stop even when we became breathless. Hours and hours on end of running to whatever was in front of us until we found the airport.
When we arrived the airport seemed pretty empty. We quickly walked in and went to the check in desk.
"Hi. Are flights running today?" Ryu asks.
"Of course course sir." The woman politely answers.
"We'd like to make our return flight earlier, if that's possible?" Ryu implies.
"That's perfectly fine. No extra fees. You can fly today. There spare seats on the same aircraft. Any luggage?" The woman questions.
"Just our two bags and suitcases" Ryu shows.
The lady measures them and then we were on our way. We went through all the procedures and waited to board our flight in the business lounge.
"I have to ask you two questions." I state.
Ryan stares at me as I listens.
"Go ahead." He says.
"Why do I only remember being on a coach? How did you find out stuff and actually third question. What the hell was going on back there? People running and screaming." I ramble.
"Well. You actually ran off because I said some stupid things I shouldn't have. I lost you and people started freaking out since there was a news broadcast that a dangerous attack was about to take place. When in fact, it was hoax. I thought I lost you. But I'm glad I didn't and I'm sorry for the stupid things I said. I was joking and I shouldn't have been. And our luggage was on the coach, I had to bring them. I didn't know where you were going to end up" Ryan states.
"Wait what. But why don't I remember the argument? Or the broadcast?" I question.
I scrunch up my face as Ryu explains and he chuckles.
"Well. Remember you told me you have a condition that when you get too stressed you faint. And sometimes that causes you to temporarily forget what has stressed you out, till the next day" Ryu recalls.
"Oh yes. I do. I guess that's what's happened. Well you're my stupid Ryu. So I forgive you" I mock.
I poke his chest while mocking him which leads him to smirk. Because the poking got boring I slide my head into his arms and cuddle him as we wait for our flight to be announced. He looks down at me and notices I was admiring his face the whole time.
"I'd usually charge people for looking at me for that long. But since it's you, you can look all you want" Ryu mocks.
"Good. I like it that way" I whisper.
Ryu smirks while looking directly into my eyes. He slowly moves his head closer while shutting his eyes and our lips slowly interlock in relief we're finally together again.

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