New girl

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Tovah Pressman: Kadic Academy, ninth-grade student.

I was basically shaking in my boots. That's how the expression goes, I'm pretty sure. But what I was mostly concerned with was my cousin, Jeremy. He may be the family genius, but he wasn't my biggest fan. Not in any regard, especially not to the fact that I was going to be budding in on his school life. I got out of the cab and pulled my backpack on. It mostly consisted of the things that I would be decorating my room with. Oh yeah, a roommate.
Another thing I wasn't too thrilled about. I was an only child and used to being alone, I walked through the campus and felt eyes on me, I was a lot smaller than others.
A lot smaller, it was hard to fit in sometimes. I just hoped that Jeremy wouldn't mind me bugging him in my first couple of weeks. I was immediately greeted by a tall girl with a yellow headband, I raised my eyebrows and clenched my bag strap.
"Who are you, little one?" She asked, looking down at me.
"What?" I stammered. "Little one?" I asked.
A girl with pink hair walked up to me and looked at the tall girl, "Sissi, leave her alone, gosh, don't you get tired of hearing your own voice?" She said.
"I'm Aelita, are you Tovah?" She asked, smiling.
"Yes, I'm looking for my roommate," I asked her nervously, running my fingers through my hair.
"Well, you found her! Nice to meet you," she said, holding her hand out to me, I gave her a firm handshake, and we hurried on.
"Come on,"

I was four foot two, I had round glasses that framed my green eyes, my long hair draped over my shoulders to my lower back, it was dark brown with streaks of gray, just like my mother's. I was an outcast visually among my fellow peers, I was much shorter because of my skeletal dysplasia, and my graying hair made me stick out like a sore thumb. But I loved it all the same.

Jeremy Belpois: Kadic Academy, Eighth-grade student.

Just great, Tovah is coming.
Tovah was my cousin we definitely weren't close, she was the golden child of the family. I got the news at Christmas when we sat at the mandatory kid's table.
Her father and stepmother were in the Doctors Without Borders program and so her parents were shipping her to live at my school, they had previously lived near us but then they moved to Africa to do work at a small hospital, Tovah went to school up there, but recently the school closed.
I couldn't believe it. Fighting XANA and fighting off my annoyance would be a big case.
It was the day of her arrival, and Aelita was pacing in her room, I had knocked to tell her classes were canceled for some reason or another on Monday. She seemed stressed. I looked at her as Odd followed behind.
"Hey princess, what's up?" Odd asked.
"Oh, nothing really, just a little stressed,"
Odd moved to lay on the other bed that was in her once one-person room.
"Is it just me, or does it look like you're getting a roommate?" I asked.
"Yes, I'm a bit stressed about it at the moment if I'm completely honest, I've never had to share a space," she said running her fingers through her hair, a sign of being stressed.
"Oh, that could be troublesome," I nodded as I rubbed my fingers against my chin.
"Yeah! I mean, me and Ulrich room together, Jeremy is, you know, and now you're gonna have a roommate," Odd pointed out.
"What if she's a complete tattle tail?" He giggled.
"I have faith in people," Aelita said, shrugging. "I think she'll be nice,"
"Well, let's just hope all your nightmares don't wake her up," Odd joked.
"Mean," I said. "Well, my cousin is supposed to come -" my phone rang, and I looked down and saw my aunt was calling. "I should go. My brat cousin is here. Good luck with your new roommate," I said before heading down to try and find my cousin.
After mere minutes of searching and thinking of what Tovah could mean for fighting XANA, I see that Aelita was faster than me, probably because I was daydreaming. But then it clicks...Aelita's roommate is Tovah.
I walk up to the two and force a smile.
"Hey you two, I see you're getting cozy," I said, rubbing the back of my neck.
"Yeah, Tovah is my new roommate," Aelita smiled. "Isn't that cool?"
Tovah looked at me as if she didn't know what to say. Finally, she just said, "I'm gonna go get unpacked."
She walked over to the dorms, and Ulrich and Odd walked over, "Smokin, who's the new girl?" Odd asked.
"Odd," I rolled my eyes, "for your information, that is my cousin,"
"That doesn't mean she isn't pretty," he said.
"I thought you were with Jessica?" Ulrich asked.
"No, she's old news,"
"You don't seem very happy to see your cousin," Aelita examined.
"I'm not," I crossed my arms defensively. "And case point, she is going to ruin everything," I said before walking away.

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