The Lock In

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Jeremy Belpois Kadic academy ninth grade student

"So we're gonna sleep in a gym? Last time I had a sore back for weeks," I said rubbing my back.
"You'll have fun," Aelita said patting my knee. "Don't sound so gloomy about it, I've never been to one," she shrugged, "Odd said its really a good time," we were walking back from French to the dorms, Aelita and I were going to my room to work on some programming. "It's fun for a couple of hours," I stated.
"until we all get sick of each other, it's like the camping trip minus the tents,"
Aelita put her hands in her pockets, "does everyone on earth like to sleep everywhere beside their own bed? Cause it seems like it, camping, lock in''s all very strange," she tapped her chin. "Speaking of strange, did you see Tovah and Sissi walking to class together this morning?" I asked. Aelita nodded, "she's not our enemy, plus, why not let Tovah talk to Sissi if she wants. Aren't you the one who didn't want her in our group? It's healthy for her to make other friends," Aelita stated. "also she's been having a hard week," Aelita pointed out.

Aelita stones Kadic Academy Ninth grade student

I wasn't convinced though, Sissi and Tovah? But I thought that I shouldn't be jealous that my best friend was making other friends. "Normally, she's branching out," I said a little pouty.
"You're totally jealous she's hanging out with Sissi," Jeremy said crossing his arms.
"No! I'm not!" I said shaking my head.
"I just- I just didn't think that...oh look there-" I pointed to William.
"is a change of subject?" Jeremy asked. "Hey, have you guys seen Tovah?" He asked. "I think she went up to her dorm, why?" How weird, what a strange cast of characters going to see T today.
"Oh we were going to audition for the play as a pair," he said resting his hands on his side. "What play?" I asked waving goodbye to Jeremy as I lead William up to our room.
"What play are you guys doing?" I asked as I unlocked my room. "Romeo and Juliet, they're reusing the same set from a couple of years ago," he laughed rubbing the back of his neck. I looked in our room and Tovah was nowhere to be found.
"Hm, maybe she's at the library," I shrugged.

Odd Della Robbia Kadic Academy Ninth Grade student.

"Tovah," I started, "I've liked you for a long time-' no, that sounds creepy," I mumbled to myself as I walked down the corridor, "Tovah I think you're super cool," I shook my head.
"Tovah what's up, we should try out for the play together and you could- no I sound like a stalker," I rubbed the back of my neck, I was never gonna get it, Tovah didn't like me I was sure of it.
We were just friends.
I walked up to the dorms and saw Tovah leaning against the wall with William standing over her. What was going on now?
"Hello..." I said walking over to them.
"oh hey Odd," William smiled. "Anyway T, I'll see you later," he winked.
"You too," she smiled. "Bye," she turned to look at me. "What's up Odd?" She asked moving to lean against the wall.
"Oh I just wanted to...look at you, and I did, so, let's go to dinner,"
"You wanted to look at me?" She asked raising her eyebrow. "What do you mean?"
"Just you know, come lay my eyes on you,"
"That's weird, anyway, let's go eat," she said nudging me.
We walked down to the cafeteria not saying much.
"So what were you doing with William?" I asked.
"What are you? My parole officer?" She asked. "Just talking, he's my friend. I'm still making friends," she said softly as she opened the door.
"Are you ready for the lock-in tomorrow?" She asked.
"Oh yeah, I've got my sleeping bag all ready," I smiled. "You wanna sleep next to each other?" She asked nudging me.
"Really? You don't want to sleep next to Aelita?" I asked. "No, I thought we could gossip and talk about boys," she teased.
"Very funny, I like Jeremy," I said as we went and sat down. "Hm, I like this boy, you don't really know him, but I think you'd like him," she said resting her head on the table.

I wondered what she meant all night when I got back to my room and looked over at Ulrich.
"Hey, when a girl says they like someone but won't tell you who they are, what does that mean?" Ulrich looked over his book at me. "Who is it?"
"You wouldn't know her,"
"Really? Does she have glasses and brown and grey hair?" He asked.
"Maybe," I shrugged. "But I think...I think she's into William,"
"William?" He asked sitting up. "No way!" He shook his head.
"You're not still into her are you?"
"No, just not William, she's...she's just, she wouldn't be into him,"
"Why wouldn't she?"
"Cause she's not like him,"
"She was into you,"
"But she's not now, we're just friends now. How about I help you figure out what she's into?"
"You'd do that?"
"Yeah, we're friends, I want you to be with a nice girl," he said closing his book. "How about I be your wingman during the lock-in,"

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