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Aelita Stones Kadic Academy Ninth Grade Students 

I came out of the scanner and looked at my hands, "Are you kidding me?" I shook my head staring at my now black nail polished hands, "What is even happening!" Tovah hissed as she came out of her scanner looking like me, "Didn't this already happen?" Ulrich asked, "Yes, it did." I shook my head, "Don't you have the codes to fix this Jeremy?" Tovah asked climbing up the ladder, "We need to go back to school, Aelita and I have to go to school for Academic Decathalon." We grabbed our backpacks and headed out of the factory even before Jeremy could tell us anything. "Why is this happening again, XANA has already done this one," Tovah said as we tromped up the hill to school, "Maybe it was just a computer malfunction," I said as we got to the classroom that decathlon was being held in. "Ready?" I asked, "Yes, being in your body isn't as overwhelming as it was the first time." 

Odd Della Robbia Kadic Academy Ninth Grade Student 

I walked up to my room to get my book for English class and Tovah was waiting for me in my room, "Tovah?" I raised my eyebrow, "Or Aelita?" I asked, "No, it's me, Tovah." she walked up to me and wrapped her arms around me kissing me deeply, I wrapped my arms around her waist and then pulled away. "Wow." I blushed deeply, "Jeremy works fast." I giggled, "You want to ditch class?" she asked grabbing my hand and pulling me down the hall, we went into town, and then ended up at the Hermitage. "Kind of romantic isn't it?" she asked looking around, "I guess, kind of creepy I think." I looked around as we went deeper into the house, "Why?" she asked, "Ooh, have you been in this room?" She asked as we went into a small room with a metal table, "I think we should go, it's gonna be lunch soon," my phone began to buzz in my pocket and I pulled it out. "Hello?" I answered, "What? But Tovah is here now..." I looked over at Tovah and rubbed the back of my neck, "So, um, you're not..." she raised her hand and hit me with a ball of lightning. I fell back and soon I was trapped. 

Ulrich Stern Kadic Academy Ninth Grade Student 

Jeremy and I sat in the library as he worked on the codes to get the girls back in their bodies. "Isn't this weird?" Jeremy asked as he tapped his pen on the wooden table, "Maybe XANA is just getting lazy." I shrugged as I flipped through my book. "He doesn't get lazy, I think he has a plan." Jeremy stood up and went to open the door and smoke began to pour in, Jeremy looked back at me with fear plastered on his face. I hurried to him and closed the door. "He's done this one before too..." I looked at Jeremy shaking my head at the fact that XANA was reusing his attacks on us. "This isn't good, you don't think that he's unleashing some ultimate plan on us?" I asked as we stood in the middle of the library, "Smoke, body switching, we need to call the others and tell them what's happening." I walked over to the window and pulled it open, "Of course he unleashed the fog when it was just us and an asleep Jim in the library." We climbed out of the window and started to outrun the fog. "Hey, Yumi?" I talked into the phone, "What? Are you serious?" I asked shaking my head, "Yumi said that she's in the cafeteria and that it's electric." Jeremy and I ran towards the factory, "Well we need to get Aelita and Tovah, oh and Odd. I'll call Odd." I dialed Odd's number and it went to voice mail. "Oh, please say Odd isn't dead or something." I shook my head as I looked over my shoulder at Jeremy as he talked on the phone to Aelita. 

Aelita Stones kadic academy Ninth grade student 

"This isn't nearly as scary as it was last time," I said as we walked up to our room and sat back on my bed, I pulled off my heeled boots, well, Tovah's heeled boots. "So, what do we do now?" I asked, "Jeremy hasn't called and we're still in each other's bodies," Tovah grabbed her phone out of her pocket and answered it, "Hold on, it's Odd." she got up answering it, which I thought was strange, but I laid back, it was time to take a break. "What the..." I looked at my hand as it began to fade away, "That's not good." I shook my head sitting up, I pushed Tovah's glasses up my nose and stood up from my bed, I had to find Jeremy and tell him what happened. 

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