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Tovah Pressman Kadic Academy Ninth grade student

I laid in bed all warm and cozy, finally getting a good night's sleep after a week of restless sleep. I planned on sleeping in longer and I think Aelita did as well, but our slumber was soon interrupted by the door being flung open. "Hey!" A voice echoed through our small dorm room, "What?" Aelita asked sitting up, "Odd?" she asked confused by the sudden eruption, "What do you want it's six AM, I thought you were supposed to be on a flight?" I asked sitting up as well, "I was, but all flights out are canceled, they said snowstorm of the century!" he shook his head walking in further to our room, I grabbed my glasses off the trunk between our beds and slid them on, "What do you mean?" I asked confused, "Unless it's in walking distance you're stuck here." he shrugged. I looked over at Aelita thinking about how our week at my Aunt and Uncle's cabin in Rome was up in smoke, we weren't going anywhere now. "Well, it looks like we're staying here." Aelita shrugged, "It won't be all that bad, at least we have each other to keep company." We figured there was nothing to do at six in the morning now we knew that we didn't have to pack we should go back to sleep. 

At ten-thirty we got up and got dressed, we then went down into the common area of the dorms, everyone was hanging out with board games that Jim had put out. "A regular party it seems," I giggled, "Hot chocolate?" Mrs. Hertz asked handing out mismatched mugs on a tray from the science room, "Sure," I replied taking a mug, "So what's happening?" I asked Mrs. Hertz, "Well, we'll be giving you your meals down here until the snow clears up, it's much too dangerous right now in this blizzard. We'll try to keep you guys all entertained as well since you can't be home with your families," she said assuringly, I looked over at Aelita then down into my hot chocolate. It was weird, a year ago I was miserable at home avoiding my stepmother and father but now even though I was snowed in with my classmates I felt closer to having a real family than I ever had. 

Odd Della Robbia Kadic Academy Ninth Grade Student 

"Hey, Tovah," I sat down next to her as she played chess with Aelita, "What's up?" she questioned looking up at me and smiling softly, she looked so gorgeous while she moved her pieces across the board. "So are guys staying here too?" I asked. "Well duh," She shook her head, "Unless one of us can sprout wings and fly," Aelita added, "Have you told Jeremy?" She asked. "No, he wasn't in his room this morning." I shook my head. "Wait." Aelita sat up looking away from the board, "If he wasn't in his room this morning, he was in the factory and still is. We have to call and tell him." She pulled her phone and went to dial him and then looked at us, "The line is busy." she set her phone down and stood up, "Should we be worried?" she asked, "No, I don't think so, I mean it's just snow." Tovah shrugged. We walked upstairs together and sat in my room, Tovah grabbed a pillow throwing it at Ulrich. "Enjoying your glamorous break?" she teased. "Oh yeah, but honestly I don't mind, I'm glad to not have to be with my dad." he sat upon his bed and Tovah sat next to him, I don't know why a bubble of jealousy rose in my stomach seeing the two of them sit next to each other even if nothing was between them. "We were trying to call Jeremy but he hasn't answered his phone, I'm getting worried." Aelita walked towards the window and looked out at the blustery storm. "Even if he is at the factory, how do we get there?" Ulrich asked, "We aren't supposed to leave the dorms," Aelita put her hand on her chin thinking, "There's always the back exit." she thought out loud. "Well, suppose we do, it's below freezing out there," Tovah said, "We just have to bundle up," she opened the door and went off to her room, Tovah shrugged following after her. "Well, I guess we're off to find Einstein." Ulrich and I bundled up and as I was pulling my coat and things out of my side of the closet a small present fell out of Ulrich's side of the closet with a label that said 'Tovah' I picked it up and turned to Ulrich holding it up, "What's this?" I asked, "You got something for Tovah?" Ulrich snatched it out of my hand and looked at it, "In case you didn't know, Tovah's birthday is tomorrow." he looked at me annoyed. "What?" I had no idea that her birthday was the next day, "She never told me that," I shook my head, "Well she just told me that when we were going out." he shook his head, "Now come on, I'm sure you can make her a card or something when we get back, or write her a poem if you really want her to fall for you." 

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