Doctors (a down)

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I never really liked doctors nor do I find them human for two reasons.  One they are perverts and sexual sickos.  that and they are kill happy and racist towards Jews, Himalayan's and central asians. I will tell you my personal experiences in this essay.  First doctors are sick perverts.

I wouldn't say that doctors are perverts with out any evidence.  I have a personal collection of this evidence against doctors.  They are into dungeon sex and German girls who are freaky.  This was said by a doctor whom I dated for two months.  He was into German girls and perverse acts neither protain to me. So when he ghosts me it was for the last time.  I insulted his manhood and whatever  fidelity bravery and integrity that he had.  Which was null.  This wasn't the first pervert doctor I came a cross.  There was one on imvu  who said he loved me  and had underage girls insult and demean me.  He was a pedophile. So I reported him.  So if you are dating a doctor do what the CIA do and hit him where it hurts.

Secondly they are kill happy and racist.   My personal experience was that one such forensic pathologist cased me around the town with a bloody scalpel and a needle full of succinylcholine screaming die little bitch die.  I had to go into Taekwondo for years because this.   They are kill happy.  That and they are racist, Joseph Mangeleand his stupid experiments on twins usually Asian or mostly Jewish.  Enough said.  Look that up.

Yes doctors proved the self untouchable, subhuman, and secon class citizens.  Or at least they have shown that to me. 

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