I Just Want...

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I just want a little house

With a picket fence and a porch swing

I just want a million grandkids

Running in circles, chasing the sun

I just want a degree in my pocket

A job on my back and a whole lotta cash

I just want a painting to call mine own

With my signature across the bottom, right hand corner

I just want to jump outta a plane

With the best view of the world and a big breath of fresh air

I just want to ride a motor bike

A leather jacket and boots with the sexiest sunglasses ever

I just wanna sail into the sunset

And then smile at the moon and wish upon a star

I just want to buy a pair of shoes

And maybe a pair of undies, or two

I just want to write an awesome book

And have the world recognise my talent

I just want people to understand me

To learn that I'm special and unique

I just wanna fly a plane

Above the world and into the heavens

I just want a man to hold me

To protect me and care for me

I just want to share my dreams

Make myself believe

Achieve all I can

I just wanna get through this

Admire my scars

And smile at those who say sorry

I just want to forget my nightmares

And hold on to my memories

Let go of the bad and hold on to the good

I just wanna learn to live

Learn to love

Learn to be happy

Copyright 2012 Bubble_Burster All Rights Reserved

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