The question

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As the bus stopped everyone else got up and fought to get off the bus first, while Harley and Kaleb just waited, and watched as they only got in each other's way and slowed down the entire process, Verla was yelling at them to calm down and no one listened, as per usual. As soon as the line actually started moving Kaleb and Harley got up and filed off the bus like everyone else, then made there way inside.

The school was called Royal Valley High, it was a small school, his graduating class would only have about eighty or so people. The walls were half silver and half purple, their school colors, and posters were up for homecoming on every other locker. Kids were chattering in the halls and sitting in the "common area" that was used as the cafeteria as well as a study hall. It was only about forty five hundred square feet total so in the mornings it was a bit cramped with all four grades in that one room, which is why half the school ate at their own area, either in a classroom with a teacher or a section of hallway, Kaleb and his friends normally ate outside on one of the benches.

"So you ask anyone to homecoming yet K?" Harley asked, knowing full well who Kaleb wanted to ask,

"Shut up dude I'm asking her today," Kaleb chuckled and gently punched him in the arm,

"Well here's your chance," Harley pointed as Nora walked down the hall toward them smiling,

Kaleb froze for a second when he saw her, but to him it felt like eternity. As she drew nearer he smiled, each time he saw her he was captivated by her, she wasn't some perfect bombshell, but to him she was perfect, she was a foot shorter than him at 5'4" and was a little bit lacking when it came to curves, but her honey eyes and sweet smile melted his heart every time. They had almost everything in common, and had been best friends since he enrolled. They were inseparable and he had been in love with her for years now, but was never able to make a move for a few reasons. He felt like he was having an anxiety attack every time he tried, he was scared of rejection, and his parents being control freaks...but that last reason kinda felt more like an excuse even to him.

"Hey Harley, Hey Kaleb," she said as she waved in her usual happy go lucky attitude.

"Hey Nora," Kaleb returned the greeting then as they all started walking he glanced at Harley,

"Oh shit I gotta run to my locker!" Harley said after noticing Kaleb's stare and ran down the hall,

"What was that about?" Nora asked looking to Kaleb, a smirk and a raised eyebrow clearly visible,

"He's being a good friend and providing privacy so I can ask you something," Kaleb laughed as he saw his friend have to go from a dead run to full stop once he hit the cafeteria due to the crowd of people,

"And what might that be?" Nora asked, either confused or very convincingly portraying confusion,

Kaleb then tore one of the posters off of a locker and handed it to her, "If you wanted to be my date?" He asked hopefully and tried to keep his voice steady despite the nerves, "And I mean as my date..."

There was about a minute of silence between the two which once again felt like an eternity for Kaleb as Nora seemed to be in shock. He could feel himself start to sweat in that brief instance. His heartbeat sped up and he realized that it looked like time literally started to slow down for a moment, which he then had to forcefully slow his heart rate to stop.

'I may have to read that book after all...' he thought to himself,

Nora gave him a hug, and with her face in his chest she nodded, "I thought you'd never ask..."

Kaleb then wrapped his arms around her and smiled to himself, "Trust me, me too."

They both had a laugh about that and then both of them noticed people staring at them, "bout time you two!" One of the miscellaneous students said as they passed,

They both turned red at that and let go of each other and started walking down the hall, Nora looking away from Kaleb, her face still red. And as Kaleb's went back to normal he slowly reached for her hand and held it. They walked down the hall like that, and slowly got less awkward about it after they got used to the sheer amount of double takes and teasing comments from their classmates.

"Soooo...breakfast?" Kaleb asked with a grin on his face,

"Sure," Nora replied with her own nervous smile which made Kaleb's heart melt.

They stood in line and never let go of each other's hands until they had to grab their trays and key in their lunch numbers. Then they walked to their usual spot and joined Harley who already had his food and was waiting for them.

"So first off congrats," Harley began, "to K for finally growing a pair,"

"Fuck off Harly," Kaleb said laughing as he sat down,

"And to Nora for finding someone who will put up with her." Harley continued,

"Asshole!" Nora exclaimed, kicking Harley under the table,

And as they ate they continued their banter and life finally looked good for Kaleb, looked Normal...but there was still that nagging thought...does he tell her about the book?

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