Day 1 - oddness

523 24 93

Foreword, as a 19 year old in 2023!

Oh what a weird time 2020 was. It's both fascinating and deeply embarrassing to read these old entries! Anyway, I have no clue whether anyone will ever find this diary now, a few years later. But I'm going to put it back up on Wattpad so I don't forget about it. <3

Anyway, here's to growth!


(15/04/20 - just a quick note! You might want to skip to one of the most recent chapters because this is an ongoing diary. But obviously, if you want to just keep going that's fine haha. A warning though: this chapter's quite boring. Feel free to go on to the next one lol)

(07/05/20 - maybe just ignore that ⬆ because this diary is now over. I repeat though, this day's entry is a bit boring and weird, as are many of my entries actually... Anyway, do whatever you want. But be warned, some of the things I've written in this diary are just 🤦‍♀️🤨😬😔😖😵)

Thursday 12/03/2020

Bergen, Norway


Dear Diary,

Today the Norwegian Directorate of Health said that anyone coming from outside the Nordic countries should be in quarantine for fourteen days, even if they don't have symptoms. 

My dad and I flew to Norway from England on Monday, and will, therefore, be in quarantine for eleven days. I doubt either of us has the virus, but obviously I understand that there is a chance that we are carriers, and of course, I think it's very sensible to ask travellers to self-isolate. 

My school was closed today anyway and will be for the next two weeks. I did want to go back to Wales and be with the rest of my family, but since I'm in quarantine now, that's not going to happen.

Gosh, I sound so serious and formal!

Anyway, so I'm going to just keep this a sort of diary thing for the next eleven days so I don't die of boredom. It's going to be really random (and boring probably). So yay!

And um, ElveraRose, if you're reading this, then go away. I don't care about people on the internet seeing this, but I don't want people I know in real life reading my diary.


Earlier today for some reason, I thought that 'liars in love' would make a good song title, so I searched it on Spotify but didn't come across anything that really stood out -

Oh, wait. It's 18:03. All this stuff has been implemented by the Norwegian Health Directorate now. I added the link...

- ANYWAY! Before I started doing this weird diary entry, I spent about five seconds trying to write a song called Liars in Love but then I gave up.

Wow, what a pointless story.




Dear Diary (ok I'm going to stop with this dear diary stuff because it feels so weird)

Hi. Do I have anything important to say? No, almost never.

I just wanted to mention how unreal I find this whole pandemic. I'm literally in quarantine and my school is closed and everything, and I still can't believe it's happening!



So I've been watching Skins and iZombie. I like iZombie, but whenever Liv eats the brains... *shudders*

Moving on... 

Since this diary is actually a thing I've published on Wattpad (I still haven't worked out why), I feel like it should be more entertaining. Soooo now I'm going to ask random questions and stuff, and you get to answer. Whoever you are... I doubt anyone's going to find this diary very interesting (especially when I put the word 'boring' in the actual title 😂so I have no one to blame but myself). But I'm still going to do it. Fun!

Now, for the following. I've written my answers, comment yours!

A book you wish you could forget so that you could read it for the first time again! (The Cruel Prince by Holly Black, maybe)

A song that you used to listen to so much that you'd rather die than listen to it again! (High Heels by JoJo, maybe. I have this terrible habit of listening to the same song hundreds of times before wanting to somehow kill the song)

A hair colour you think would look terrible on you! (hmm... platinum blonde, maybe?)

A food you could definitely live without! (meat, because I already know I can live without it, but maybe also those yucky cinnamon flavoured sweets Americans seem to love)

The first book you read on Wattpad! (The Hoodie Girl by yuenwrites)

Gosh, I'm tired. And I really need to stop with all these exclamation marks. I'm giving myself a headache...

Good night. Nos da. Gute Nacht. God natt. Er... feel free to add on, invisible and non-existent readers.



I'm going to do my Duolingo and Memrise now. 

Yes, I do Duolingo. And I'm darn proud of myself for doing it! I have a 173-day streak! I mean, I usually only do about thirty seconds of the easiest lesson a day - er, anyway.

I started off doing German Duolingo before I moved to Germany, and was doing quite well, but then I stopped (but I'm trying to get back into it). I started the French course but am not doing it at the moment. I'm currently focusing on Norwegian, but I don't know how helpful it is because I KEEP DOING THE EASY LESSONS BECAUSE I'M LAZY. Also, the other day I started the Swahili course because another new language course on Duolingo is definitely what I need right now 🙄

Wow, how fascinating. I said this would be boring!



Ok, I've definitely written enough for today, but I was on my email settings and I found something. It's one of those automatic email thingies that get sent out to anyone who sends you a message when you're on holiday or something. Anyway, mine was turned off ages ago, but it's still in the settings. It's... well, I don't even know how to describe it... I'm really sorry, okay??? It started off as a fake German accent thing, but I edited it so much that it's just, well, I'm really sorry!

Hallo, hov you zay?.... yez i knov.... meine haariger Freund. I zank you vor zending your, I'm sure, sehr interessant e-mezzage. Ov kourze, it vill take a vhile vor me to a reply zince I am exztremely vamouz and I get lotz and lotz and lotz of a, hov you say.....Fanpost....A van pozt? A van mail? I zink zat is a vat you ztrange peoplezeez zay...

Anyvay, I vill try and zend you a reply az zoon az a pozzible (AZAP). Alzough, like I a zaid, I am being vamouz zo I might not have a time to do zo until a my zkhedule haz a cleared up. It iz a me having a break a maybe zometime a next year, I zink. A kan you vait until a zhen?

I alzo vanted to a remind you zat zis is an automatik e-mezzage and I a did not aktually zpend time vriting to a you. It iz a, hov you zay, Zeitverschwendung, it iz a being in your langvage vazte ov time. I a not be bothered vith a not vamouz vermin like you!

PZ; At zee moment I am avay ztaying a by big lake vith no vi fi and big monzter. I vill be back on a Zaturday except if I've been ripped to zhredz by zee lake monzter.

Keep in mind that I was 13, maybe, when I wrote this. I was a strange bean then...


my (boring) lockdown diaryWhere stories live. Discover now