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Phoenix sighed, sitting on his bed. He was stressed and tired. He wanted a break, but couldn't afford to take one. He needed to save his friends! They were his family, and he needed them.

This is what I get for trying to leave, he thought to himself. Then he kicked himself. If we hadn't tried that, I wouldn't have been in the main house and would have been taken with the others.

He sighed, continuing to sit there for several minutes. Then, after a few minutes, he had an idea of what to do. He rose and went upstairs, back to the main part of the house. He went into Asher's office and sat at the desk. It was big to him, but he was tall for his age (he'd been told; the only other person he'd ever met who was his age was Lydia), and he could easily reach the top of the desk. He found a blank piece of paper, and a pencil. He could write very well, as their learning had been accelerated.

Phoenix started to think, and he wrote a few ideas down. It took a good portion of the day, but he was eventually able to think of something that might work out. He smiled, and kept writing, refining his idea into something that resembled a plan. He looked at the clock, and saw that it was getting late. He left the office, finding some food for dinner, then meditated for a few minutes on his bed to calm his mind. He went to bed.


Ashlyn woke up in the now-vaguely-familiar bedroom she'd been told was hers. She hated it. She hated everything about this place. She needed to sleep in her bed in the house. Not this. This was horrible. She felt truly alone for the first time in her life.

She woke slowly. She disliked being in foster care, but she would just have to deal with it. She had an escape to plan.

Lydia had managed to get them a room together, and the boys had a shared room as well. Lydia was asleep now, but Ashlyn had to change that.

She climbed up to Lydia's bed, and she woke the older girl as quietly as she could. Lydia woke up, and wrapped her arms around Ashlyn. A few sparks surrounded them, and Ashlyn blew on them. Lydia laughed. "They won't do anything," she said. "We'll be fine."

Ashlyn sighed. "I wanna go home," she said.

"We will. Phoenix will get us out," Lydia promised. "But until then, we just have to stay here."

Ashlyn nodded. She knew that.


That evening, as Ashlyn and Lydia were preparing for bed, they both heard three other minds enter theirs. They both stiffened a bit, then relaxed as they recognized who it was.

Phoenix spoke first. You guys, I have an idea, he said.

What is it? asked Elijah.

Phoenix laid down the plan for them, and he had them all happily agreeing by the end. Okay, he said. Well, then I'll be there soon.

'Soon' had never sounded so distant.


This was a short one, but it was mostly just a filler. I'll do another actual update soon. I hope this one was still an enjoyable read, despite being short!

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