Part 3

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Kirishima fell asleep on Bakugo's chair after some time and Bakugo watched the end of the movie alone. It was just when the credits started rolling that Bakugo noticed Kirishima started sweating and shaking lightly. He watched in concern for just a few seconds and then reached out to wake him when all of a sudden he started screaming.
"Kirishima", Bakugo held him by the shoulders to prevent him from falling out of the chair "wake up".
"Wha-?", Kirishima was panting when he opened his eyes "what happened?"
"You fell asleep while watching the movie and then you started sweating and shaking and screaming", Bakugo explained and Kirishima tried not to look at him.
"Oh, I am sorry Bakugo", he then said "I didn't want to be a burden or anything".
"You are not, shitty hair", Bakugo glared at him "tell me what the fuck this is about".
"I am having nightmares ever since...", Kirishima stopped talking mid sentence.
"Ever since what?", Bakugo pushed him.
"Ever since you got kidnapped", Kirishima sighed.
"Fuck", Bakugo hissed.
"This is not your fault tho!", Kirishima stated sternly "it just really got to me and I am afraid someone might get kidnapped again..."
"...too", Bakugo whispered and Kirishima raised a brow at him.
"What was that?", he asked him.
"I fucking said me too, okay?", Bakugo spat out "don't make fun of me".
"Why would I make fun of you, Bakugo?", Kirishima watched him concerned "you don't always have to be tough you know? I know you have feelings too and I know you get hurt too so just... talk to me or something. It's okay to feel things Bakugo, it doesn't make you any less manly, you know? If you have nightmares you can tell me".
Bakugo thought about that for a while. Was it okay to open up and let his guard down? Was it okay to tell Kirishima about his fears? He looked at the boy sitting in front of him, face still sweaty from his own nightmare. Kirishima had nightmares and wasn't weak at all, that meant it was okay right? He could talk to him.
"I do have nightmares since Camino", Bakugo spoke a little hesitantly but Kirishima looked so patient and friendly that he kept on talking "I thought they would eventually go away but they don't. I dream that I get kidnapped again and get killed, or the others get killed while trying to save me. All Might gets killed...".
"It's okay", Kirishima hesitantly lay a hand on Bakugo's shoulder and surprisingly the blonde let him "your mind tries to process the trauma you have lived through. It doesn't make you weak".
"I am...", Bakugo took a deep breath "I don't want to go to sleep because I just can't stand seeing everyone die again and again".
"Have you slept at all in the last days?", Kirishima asked even more concerned now.
"Barely", Bakugo huffed "maximum I get is around four hours per night. I hoped that it would go back to normal when I am staying here but...".
"You don't wanna fall asleep just to find out that it doesn't", Kirishima voiced his thoughts "I thought they would stop as well. It felt good not being alone when I woke up tho. Thanks Bakugo".
"Whatever", Bakugo mumbled and stood silent for a bit before quietly asking "do you think it helped not being alone?"
"I mean I still had a nightmare but it's usually worse when I wake up and actually see that I am alone. Now I saw that you are alright and it made me see that it was just a dream", Kirishima explained. And then he was glad that Bakugo was focused on his thoughts because he had pretty much confessed that his nightmare was about Bakugo being away from him again. He shook his thought away because he was helping Bakugo not struggling with his feelings right now. He could feel that Bakugo wanted to ask something  but held himself back as to not appear weak.
"Hey Bakugo, I was wondering...", Kirishima took a deep breath "would it be alright if I slept here on the floor tonight? If I have a nightmare again it would be really helpful for me to not be alone but if you don't feel comfortable then..."
"Whatever shitty hair", Bakugo mumbled "stay here for all I care".
Kirishima smiled. He wasn't entirely sure but he thought he could see relief in Bakugo's face as he threw him one of the pillows and an extra blanket down and Kirishima settled there. He hoped they would both get some sleep this night. And after some minutes of awkward silence they eventually fell asleep. But the sleep didn't stay for long. Kirishima woke up from tossing and turning and little explosions on the bed beside him. Bakugo was sweating so much in his sleep that his quirk activated. Thankfully only a minimum of what he was able to do. The red haired boy stood up and lay a hand on Bakugo's shoulder. The blonde mumbled something in his sleep that Kirishima could not make out.
"Hey Bakugo", he shook his shoulder to wake him up.
"Wha-", Bakugo was confused as he opened his eyes. They were full of tears and Kirishima's heart broke a little watching him like this.
"Was it bad?", he just asked and Bakugo nodded. He was too tired and too emotionally devastated to put on an act. So he just told Kirishima that it was bad.
"I...", Bakugo started but was afraid to talk.
"What is it?", Kirishima asked "talk to me Bakugo, I am here to help".
"I don't want to be alone", he whispered into his pillow as if he was afraid what Kirishima would say.
"You are not alone", Kirishima knew Bakugo would not like it but he pulled him in his arms. To his surprise the blonde did not object but fell asleep in his arms again. Kirishima slowly leant back, Bakugo resting on his chest and soon fell asleep as well.

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