Chapter 12: Monster

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Hey cherries🍒 I wonder what's wrong with Lola? Well I'm not going to waste anymore time! Let's find out;) Enjoyyy

Ethan lifts me up and I wrap my legs and arms around him. No matter what's going on with me right now, I feel safe in his arms. He runs as fast as possible back to the college and I see Clara, Aubrey, Liam and Caleb follow behind us. I close my eyes and breathe in the scent of my mate.

He cares so much about me. And I love him for it. Holy shit I love him! Omg I'm in love with Ethan Jenson. I'm not going to tell him yet, not when he doesn't feel the same way towards me. It's too soon.

We make it to the medical room in a flash and I remember the last time I was here I found out I was a healer. Wow that seems like so long ago when it was just yesterday! So much has happened since then.

Ethan lays me onto the bed and covers me in a blanket. I start to sweat and breathe fast breaths. Someone please tell me what's happening! "Ethan......Ethan please" I beg gripping onto his arm so hard I'm surprised he doesn't bleed. He nods knowing exactly what I'm begging for. Help. I'm begging for help. Ethan's face is full of fury when he runs out of the room calling for Trish I presume.

My entire life I've never once had to beg for anything let alone help. Everything has always been given to me at hands reach. I hated it. Ya sure it was great at times with certain situations such as job opportunities but I hated everyone being so nice to me thinking I'm so perfect. I was so sick of it hence me applying for the college furthest away. Not because I hate my parents but because I hated the place where my parents lived.

I stare up at the ceiling trying my hardest to stay calm. "Lola you're going to be okay. I'll make sure of it" Aubrey says in a determined voice, I smile and look over at her. I than look down at my arms and the black veins are spreading all the way up to my shoulders. Oh god am I dying?

The door bursts open and Trish doesn't seem that alarmed when she sees me which makes me feel slightly better. "Okay everyone out!" She shouts. I turn to Ethan with a panicked look, "I am not leaving her" he growls at Trish. "Ya, and I don't care. Move out. NOW!" she screams and I flinch. Ethan looks furious and comes over to me. He clenches his teeth and closes his eyes "It's okay. Go into the forest to cool down. This will be over before you know it" I whisper and give him a quick kiss on the cheek. Ethan unclenches his jaw and gives me a curt nod and heads for the door but not without giving Trish an evil eye. If looks could kill Trish would be 6ft under right now.

As soon as Ethan closes the door Trish locks it and I give her a confused look. Why on earth would she lock it?! "Look.....Lola things are about to get painful okay? But hopefully it will be fast." Trish says grabbing some medical tools to use?......on me! "What? What do you mean painful? What's wrong with me?!" I screech in fear.

"Okay Lola you need to calm down. Ethan can use your bond and sense how your feeling......he could also probably use his sensitive hearing too so just remain calm" Trish says and grabs a chair to put beside the bed and sits down. "Listen I still do strongly believe you're a healer I mean you have to be or else how did you heal your bite mark and how did you heal that women's arm-" I gasp "How did you-" she cuts me off "-It doesn't matter. Anyway the whole fire thing you can do is not part of being a healer I've done my research and it just doesn't make sense. You have a power Lola and it's a fire power, there is some sort of voodoo name for it but it's in another language so for our sake we are just going to call it a fire power" Trish says and I gape are her.

"'re telling me I'm some sort of superhero now!" I shout because I cannot believe what I'm hearing. First werewolves, than healers, than evil eyes, and now fire powers?! "Lola this is a very serious transition you need to prepare for. Before now the fire was a small spark and you had to close your eyes to focus on it but now......." Trish trails off averting her eyes "Now what?" I snap getting annoyed. Would she just speed it up already!

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