Chapter Five: T&I

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"Can you handle it, Sakura-san?" Ibiki-san asks me skeptically as I step inside the T&I building. I can feel eyes following my every step, doubting my strength. "Torture is not the best field for a medic." He adds as he walks beside me.

"Yes, Ibiki-san." I nod and smile at him. "But I am not only medic. I was in Team 7, which specialized in combat." I whisper and look down, numb pain inside my chest. "I know how gaining information is important for the village. I think I can manage to interrogate some ninjas." I offer him a cold, yet polite smile. Ibiki-san only nods, satisfied with my answer.

"Brat, you should know that I am the head of Torture and Interrogation department." Ibiki-san starts talking with cold tone. "Being my student means that you will have to spend a lot of your time in T&I building and watch some interrogations or torture." He explains the whole situation to me. "Think you can handle it? Because once we start, there is no going back."

"Hai, Ibiki-san." I nod at him with large smile across my face. "I wish to learn as many fields as possible. Interrogation is one of the most important aspects in village's survival." I grin at the man's impressed gaze. "Later, when I reach the ranks of chunnin, I wish to seek out Tsunade-sama and become her student, to study her medicine and inhuman strength." I admit to him and offer another smile. "But before then, I wish to know how everything works."

"Okay." Ibiki nods and turns around. "Follow me." He calls out, before walking out of the training grounds. 


I awe as I step inside the T&I building. I can feel the eyes of strangers following me surprised, as I walk behind Ibiki-san. It feels much like the first time, I have come here. But after that first time, everyone just wondered why I haven't chosen that field to specialize in.

"Hurry up, brat." Ibiki-san tells me in cold tone and I nod, following him closely behind. We walk through dark hallways, screams erupting from different doors, that are lined at the both sides. "The further in we go, the further down we go." Ibiki-san starts explaining to me. "The further down we go, the more important and dangerous prisoners we have. Above ground are just our offices, paper work and stuff." He shrugs his shoulder and smiles. "Now, we are going to visit one of the less dangerous prisoners." He explains and looks at me. "Today, you just observe, to make sure about your decision."

I follow him into the dark room. The room is full with shinobi. All of them seem surprised to see me entering the room with Ibiki-san. The room has glass, that divides it from another room, where the prisoner is located. He is tied to the chair with chakra draining chains. He looks beat up and tired, blood caking his whole body. Yet, I can see determination in his face.

"Who is the brat, Ibiki?" Anko-san asks irritated, coming closer to me to inspect. Every other child, would flinch away from the overwhelming killing intent erupting from Anko-san, but I just shrug. I have seen worse, I have worse. But she does not stop, intensifying the intent to maximum. At this point, my head starts spinning lightly.

But my body kicks in, before I am able to stop it. I start oozing my own KI. I can feel it blanketing me like a warm blanket, covering my chakra and attacking every shinobi presented in the room. Even the prisoner, separated from us, starts looking around confused, a bit scared.

"Impressive." Anko smirks and I stop my KI. I feel uneasy for losing control over my own body. And stand behind Ibiki-san's leg, as if hiding from Anko-san. "I like that brat, who is she?"

"My student." Ibiki-san shrugs and ignores the gaped mouths of his colleagues.  "Now, who we have here?" He looks at the prisoner and back at Anko.

"We don't know." Anko shrugs her shoulders and sighs. "No matter what we do to him, we will not talk. We tried everything." She adds agitated. "He is from Kiri." Anko adds with another shrug of her shoulders.

"Okay." Ibiki nods and stops by the door. "Anko." Anko-san looks at Ibiki-san with questioning gaze. "Look over the brat." He states and closes the door behind him. Anko-san looks at me with careful gaze, as if I am some kind of experiment, she has to study.

"Well, good luck with me, kiddo." Anko-san cackles and motions for me to stand near her. I oblige, my eyes frozen on the ninja from Kiri.

I stiffen when the door opens on the other side, but relax as soon as Ibiki-san steps in the room. Anko-san is looking at me instead of the interrogation. But I brush it off, feeling more important to see live legend in his field rather than worry about her.

I don't even flinch at the sounds of screams and shrieks. I watch attentively as Ibiki-san fractures all the bones possible of the man. But he does not speak. I lean forward, watching carefully not to miss a single movement or tone in which Ibiki-san speaks. I still remember my first torture and interrogation. People believed that I brought innovation in the field.  And it pretty much was a compliment for me, when it came from Anko-san and Ibiki-san.

Ibiki-san leaves the room, full of gathered information. He looks inside the room and motions for me and Anko-san to follow him. We nod and start walking towards him, leaving the room and closing the door.

"How did she do?" Ibiki-san asks, while eyeing me in search of puffy eyes or tears.

"She did not even flinch." Anko-san smirks. "Now, I understand why you chose her." She smirks once again and looks at me with crazed eyes. "I like you, brat." She grins and turns towards Ibiki-san.

"You don't like something, brat?" Anko-san growls at me and looks back at the unbreakable prisoner in front of us. I sigh and I nod. "What it is?"

"I don't like the methods, you use." I admit and shrug my shoulders. It gains Ibiki's and Anko's attentions. They both look at me dead in the eyes, urging me to continue talking. "It would be better if we continued it outside." I look at the door and they nod, following me closely behind.

"You have any idea, brat?" Ibiki-san asks me with a small, faint smile on his lips.

"Yes." I nod and grin. Being in T&I building wakes some kind of monster inside of me, that demands more and more from me. "We can make him go insane." I grin wildly and lean closer. "We can use poison for starters. Light one, which only paralyzes him." I start with confidence. "After that, we have him seated in the chair, chained. And we can have droplets of water  him in the head at the same place for long amount of time, which will push him towards insanity." I start carefully, not wanting to leave the impression of someone, who is crazed herself. "Then, we can slowly start boiling his limbs one by one, until he speaks."

"Why not burn?" Anko-san asks skeptically. She tilts her head and smiles. "It is faster."

"And less effective." I sigh and rub my temples. "When you try to burn someone, their pain only lasts for couple of minutes. Because all the nerves fries up immediately and that person is not able to sense or feel pain. But when you keep boiling them, their nerves live a lot longer, creating unimaginable pain." I explain calmly, trying to ignore the gore feeling growing inside of me. As soon as I finish talking, I barely stop myself from vomiting.

"Who would think that student of Tsunade would have this in her?" Anko-san chuckles and smirks at me. "I like you, brat." She adds with happy smile. "What do you think, Ibiki? Should we do it?"

"I will inform others." Ibiki-san states coldly and turns around. "Well done, Sakura-san." He says and nods before entering the room.

  I smile fondly at the memory and look at the two people overlooking me. Ibiki-san sighs and rubs his temples, telling me to follow him. We leave the T&I building and start walking in the busy streets of Konoha.

"I am impressed." Ibiki-san states and looks down at me, as if scared to lose me in the crowd. "I have never seen a small brat, who could take it." He continues talking. "Tomorrow, I will give you your card, by which you will have access to T&I building." He elaborates and stops abruptly. "I will meet you in the training grounds by 9 in the morning. Now, go home." He turns around, without saying goodbye and disappears in the crowd.

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