Chapter Sixty - One

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"You are too soft, Sakura-chan."

"You would be a better medic than soldier."

"Why are you in combat, it is wasting your medical talent."

"Be careful, Sakura-chan, we can't risk losing our best medic."

"I am worried about your mental state, Sakura."

"It is not your fault, Sakura-chan... She would not want you to blame yourself."

"We both could not manage to protect them, Sakura-chan, stop blaming yourself for that."

"Did you like my present, Sakura-chan? It was designed especially for you."

"You are too weak to deal with all these, Sakura. You should not be in the battlefield."

"They don't even acknowledge you, why are you still with them, Sakura-chan?"

"Join me and we can rule over the world, Sakura."

"You can't kill me. In fact, you can't kill anyone. Admit it, little blossom, you have never seen someone, that has died by your hands."

"You are just a medic, Sakura. What might you know about killing someone? All you do is saving."

"Sometimes, I believed that you were too pure to become Shinobi. And when you became medic, I knew it would be perfect for you, Sakura-chan. I have never imagined that infamous ANBU Captain would be you. I still can't believe that someone, looking so innocent might have seen a real battle, might have even killed."

I shake all my memories away. I shake the words, that keep hunting me down. Ten Tailed has already absorbed enough chakra to awake Kaguya in Madara's body. But Madara needs a push. Much like the last time, but unlike it, the push will be sooner and he won't have to wait for eight years for it.

"Where are you going, Sakura?!" Naruto yells behind me, trying to catch up with me. I stop, turning around and facing him. My brother. Someone, I have learnt how to love long ago.

"Don't worry, Sakura-chan! I believe in you. I know you can do great things!"

"Naruto..." I trail off, smiling at the blonde, Sasuke lands besides Naruto, followed by Shisui and Sasori. "Sasuke..." I whisper gently, approaching him and hugging him tightly. He puts his arms around me, as if shielding me from the whole world. But I don't need to be protected. I don't need to be shielded away. "I have to go." I whisper as I push him gently away from me. I look at my brother figures. "Sasori, Shisui..." I smile at both of them. "I will be back soon... Madara needs to be...pushed..." I smirk as I turn around. "Don't come with me...Please. I promised not to die, remember?"

"Why don't you join me?" Madara asks with a smirk. Pain is already making it harder for him to stand, so I don't see the point in fighting anymore. I know what will happen soon, he told me. "I am sure you will be a great asset to us." Madara smirks once again.

"Why?" I ask confused. Madara looks at me with wide eyes. "Why do you want me with you? I have beaten you up again and again and you can see how much I hate you. So, why?" I whisper once again. I don't understand why someone like him would want me near.

"Because...You remind me of someone." Madara states bluntly. "Your will of fire and confidence reminds me of someone, who died because of my foolishness." He states once again. "She was foolish just like you, stubborn even. And when she died, I blamed myself. I promised to kill you, yet it seems you manage to overpower me. Somehow." Madara chuckles humorlessly. "Or you are just lucky, the pain is preventing me from fighting you."

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