Chapter Fifty - Three

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"What?" Naruto shouts loudly, worriedly. He looks around, mumbling something under his breath. "What do you mean the scrolls are gone?!" He asks once again.

"They are not in the tent, Naruto." I try to state it once again, calmly.

It started with explosive. I wanted to rush towards Pain, to destroy his body, but I could not. In front of me is standing her. Konan. She is floating in the air, papers around her. And her eyes are focused solemnly on me.

"Go help others." I bark out the order. Others hesitantly nod, disappearing. I am standing in front of her. Strongest Kunoichi of my time. Her papers are not affected even by the water. And as later Obito informed us, he would have been killed if not his ability. She would have killed him.

"Haruno Sakura." Konan gently states my name. Her dull, emotionless eyes on me. "Today, you will die." She states simply, tilting her head slightly. As if it is that easy to kill me.

"Haruno Sakura..." Madara sneers my name as I stand in front of him. "The member of Team Seven. Weakest member." He cackles.

"I would love you to try it, Konan." I smile at the woman. Smile, she will not be able to see. I jump away from her papers, letting some of them scratch me a bit.

"You are nobody compared to your teammates." Madara notes. He looks around, not being able to spot other members of Legendary Team. "Did they send you here to die?" He tilts his head, cackling.

I run directly at her, punching her wall of papers, tearing it apart, before jumping away. Her orange eyes look impressed, as if she was not waiting something like that from me. I punch away all the attacks, forgetting about being careful. My left arm is bleeding slightly and I know that I have to do something.

"I am not going to die, Madara." I sneer the words out, but I am not even sure about it myself. I know that I am not strong enough to stand against Legendary Uchiha. But my friends, my comrades need time to retrieve the scroll back. And if it means that I have to die by his hand, so be it.

"I believed that you were strong." Konan asks confused. Last timeline, she was by Nagato. She did not leave the cave. I was not expecting to see her here. I close my eyes, trying to ignore her taunting remarks.

"You are disgrace to the village." Madara clicks his tongue, watching as I jump away from another one of his attacks. We have been fighting for past ten minutes, and I have been doing nothing, but jumping away from his attacks. "A mere civilian with no powers to match me." He states once again. "You will be easier to kill than Senju."

Tiger. Ox. Monkey. Rabbit. Ram. Boar. Ox. Horse. Monkey.

I will not give up that easily. I was given a task. A mission to save the future. To change it, so people will stay alive. So, that Naruto and Sasuke won't kill one another. And I don't care if I have to die for it. But not today. Today I have to live.

Tiger. Dog. Tiger. Snake. Tiger. Monkey. Rabbit. Bird.

"Water Release : Giant Vortex!" I shout out, finishing the hand-seals sending giant vortex at Konan, smiling as it hits her.

Tiger. Ox. Tiger. Rat.

"Water Release : Water Bomb!" I finish another hand-seals and watch as the water that hit Konan explodes.

"You won't be able to kill me, Uchiha." I tilt my head. My eyes are wide, my mark glowing on my forehead. Black marks embracing my whole body. He raises his eyebrows, not waiting for something like that from me. I start running directly at him, punching away any and all attacks his has for me. I jump on the susanoo, directly on the place, he is. And I punch. With everything I have got, I punch the armor, smiling maniacally at the cracking sound. I punch it once again implying my full force. Everything I have got. And I manage to punch famous Madara Uchiha square in the chest. Large hole appearing on the place of his heart, blood spilling out of the wound, caking me entirely.

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