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OK SO I JUST SCRIBBLED ON MY KEYBOARD AND THAT CAME OUT. BUUUUT I HOPE YOU IN JOY THE CHAPTER 🙃 and bye when it is some one's pov the talking things will be the same as when it is no one's pov, that is a lot easier for me.


fuck, Fuck, FUCK, WHO COULD THIS HAVE HAPPENED, I LOCKED THE ANTI-VOID!!! I woke up in my doodlesphere. At first, I didn't know where I was or how I was knocked out. But then I realized that I'm in the doodlesphere. I got up with a pain full sore in my legs.  How long was I passed out for? I opened a portal to my house but my magic was acting weird but I just dismissed it. I live with Blue and Dream. Our house has a white-ish gray outer wall, with a dark wooden door, and a small walkway/garden leading towards the door. I dug in my pocket to find my keys, as soon as I found them the door opened almost hitting my skull. Blue came rushing out the door and hugged me knocking me on my butt.

(Ink) whoa, whoa, umm you ok Blue?

I looked at Blue who was squeezing the daylights out of me.


I panicked. 2 DAYS, WOW.

(Dream) Ink where were you we were worried sick

(Ink) well me and Error umm, Had a fight and he looked me out, uhh and after I woke up I took tome to heal myself.

I can feel sweat running down my face. Please believe it, please.

(Dream) -sigh- Ink you really need to be more careful and avoid Error and his gang without us

Blue let go of me and stared me in the sockets.

(Blue) Dream is right you need to stay away from them when we are not around, Error could have done much worse, and you know that.

YES, they believed it, thank God. The sweat stopped and I got up along with Blue.

(Ink) how about we get inside now.

(Dream) oh of course, also I and Blue made some cookies for when you came back.

(Ink) thanks, I'm starving.

I really don't deserve this. As we walked in the house smelled faintly of cookies. The house looked the same as from when Killer got me. We all walked into the kitchen and I sat down next to Blue. He has a really big grin on his face. Dream opens the fridge door and his hands shuffle around for a bit until he brings out a red and black rectangular plate with a thin clear plastic covering the cookies. He sets them down in the center of the table and takes off the plastic sheet. He took one cookie and sat down in front of me. Then I and Blue both took one and dug in. Holy shit these are so freaking good. After a while, I wanted to go to my room so I can work on stuff.

(Ink) so imma head out

I got off my chair like the meme and it made them chuckle.

(Ink) im actually going to my room, call if you need anything got it.

They both nodded. I was walking out but made a quick turn and went back to the kitchen to grab some more cookies. I went down the hallway and went into my room and sat in my chair with my desk right in front of me. I took out my sketchbook and opened it to a blank page and started to sketch Error but how he was in the anti-void. After a little bit of sketching, I was finished with the sketch and moved on to line art. (that's what I call it) heh, heh, just you wait Error, soon you are going to be mine. Heh, heh.


Error laid back on his bed relaxing after these stress full days.

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