
452 20 11

Thank you for reading this even tho it is trash. and the underlined text means that they are thinking. The art is not mine.


I wake up in a black anti-void. It hurts my whole body, my head, arms, legs, everything, why won't it stop. I can bearly see.

Just calm down Error, calm down. I feel someone holding me, I can't tell who it is but I feel a cold tentacle rub my head. NIGHTMARE, HE'S HERE, NO NO NO I NEED TO GET AWAY NOW. I CAN'T LET HIM HURT. Thoughts filled my head in a painful way which made me glitch out more.

I can't move, crap.

"H̵E̸L̶L̷O̷ ̵I̸S̴ ̶A̸N̷Y̷O̴N̶E̷ ̶T̸H̶E̶R̸E̴"

My glitchy voice echoed In my head

No one great, not even a single soul.

My body still hurts like hell, when will it stop. I feel the code change to what feels like the bad guy mansion. Home.


"Dream, have you seen Ink because I haven't seen him for like 6 hours?" Ink normally is home in like 3 hours when he doesn't bring one of us.

"No, but I feel a lot of bad emotions coming from an anti-void," he said from the kitchen.

"Welllll wanna go find him so he doesn't get into any trouble," I said in a bored tone.

"But Blue, he said DON'T follow him even if he is in trouble,"

"I'm making tacos for dinner." Dream said.

"TACOS!!!!!!!!!!!!" I love tacos so much.

"Yes tacos but you have to wait for a few k," he said in a parent like voice.

"Fine, ... THANK YOU!"


When Nightmare and the rest got back home, Nightmare went upstairs with Error in his arms past out from either the pain or him crashing. Nightmare brought Error to his room. He put Error on the bed and sat right next to him so when he wakes up he doesn't freak out.

(Nm) -sighs- Error you need to tell us what's going on.

Nightmare said to Error who was asleep. Nightmare soon fell asleep right next to Error.

Killer opened the door to find Nightmare snuggling Error. He was having a silent nose bleed from how cute it looked. He took a pic of it and closed the door.

(Le Time skip brought to you by me not getting enough sleep)

Nightmare woke up and saw Error asleep in his arms. He was shocked and a little embarrassed. Nightmare wiggled to the to stand up without waking up Error. He wiggled around Error and got up to change. He went to his room and got a black sweater and his normal black jacket, and black pants, and shoes from his closet. (Very colorful nightmare -_-) After he got changed he went to check on Error. He was still asleep, glitching but asleep.

Nightmare went downstairs and he smelled what smelled like bacon and pancakes.he walked into the kitchen to find Horror making breakfast.

(Nm) soo whatcha' making.

(Horror) BECKFAST!!!!

(Nm) ummmmm ok. Do you need help, like mental

(Everone except for nm) WE ALL DO!!!!

This made Error wake up and also freak out.

(Error) N̵̥̑̿̆͆̑͝-̴͍̤̹̯͙͔̃̅̆N̵̫̒̀̂̎Į̴̲͉̈́͜G̸͉̾̽Ḩ̸̩̬̻͕̮̍̍Ţ̴͚̫͔̇̊̍̈͐͘M̷͓͚̐̀̽̃͘A̵̫̲̟̟̤͉̎̈͊͛͘R̶̛̬͚̙̫̓͂͐̈́͘Ę̷̩͚̂̉͊́̌͘ͅ,̶̺̥̬̟͆̀̔̓ ̴̡̧͔̼̰͙̽̏̽͋͠Ą̵͖̪̘͕͖̋̍͠Ǹ̴̰̔̚̕͜Y̴̨̮̱̰͚̻̊͘̕͝Ò̴̗̥̫͓̤͑̇N̵̬̙͋̊̈́Ẹ̸̗͛͋.̶̻̉͂̀̈́̃

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