first kiss

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Error was looking at all the AU Ink had created over the years of them being enemies. But something had changed, Ink had started to spare Error in their battles. he knew something was up with ink.

"Error what are you doing here" Ink said as he walked into the doodle sphere from what looked like the anti-void.

"just looking at all the mistakes you made" Error said then he opened a portal and started to walk into the portal. Just then Ink grabbed Error by the scarf and held him with his makeshift strings made from paint.


Ink grabbed error and forced him into a kiss. Error was pissed at Ink and tried to get away but to no avail. After a while of kissing, Ink stopped and caught a breath. Error was blushing madly and had hate in his eyes. Ink whispers something in Error non-existent ear. Errors eyes widened in fear.

Ink knew that Error liked Nightmare but Ink wanted Error for himself. He loved Error and that is why he was sparring him in their battles because he did not want to hurt him.

Error got himself untangled and opened a portal into the bad guy mansion and ran in as fast as he could closing it behind him.


I was watching my favorite show on TV when I heard Error's portal open and really quickly close, by the time I had turned around he was already at the top of the stairs. Something is wrong. I thought. I got up kinda worried, I called his name and he responded in a glitchy voice.

"YEa d-DuST wHat DO yOU neED?"

I got worried because his voice was rarely glitchy, he fixed that a while ago.

"ARE YOU OK" I shouted.

"YeS JUst-" he stopped talking and was silent.

I teleported right in front of his room and knocked.

"Come on Error you can tell me whatever caused your voice to be glitchy again" I said with a hint of worry in my voice.

"iS aNyOnE h-HOmE" he said.

"Not at the moment but Nightmare and the rest are coming home soon did something happen with them?" I said really worried that Nightmare said no to him.


"You there Error" I asked


"Error can I come in," I said in total silence.


"ERROR WHAT ARE YOU DOING, I'M COMING IN" my voice overtook with worry.

I teleported I in front of him, he had taken his books that were on a small bookshelf and he had thrown all of them across the room. He was sitting in the corner of his room curled up in a ball shaking, he was CRYING, Error never cries ever not even with pain.

I Kneeled in front of the shaking glitchy skeleton, I was in shock and concerned.

Who or what could have done this bit whatever it is i'll kill them. I thought while trying to calm down Error.


Me, Killer, Horror, and Cross were out getting the essentials like food water and some new plates because Horror decided that he wanted to see what plates tasted like. He is an idiot.

We were at the food section when I felt a wave of negative emotion hit me like a brick to my skull. I chuckled because someone was having a horrible time but then I realized that wasn't any skeleton or monster it was Error, I got really nervous.

I liked Error and the group knew that. I told them and we got all of our stuff and rushed out of the store. After we got out of the store I teleported us to the front of the mansion door. We opened it and I rushed to Errors door that was closed, I knocked and came in, Error and Dust were in the corner Error was crying and was glitching out a lot.

"ERROR WHAT HAPPENED ARE YOU OK" I almost screamed. I was really worried, I have never see Error cry except that one time we found him broken and hurt. Just thinking about it hurts me.

thank you for making it this far =3

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