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After his morning tea, Giyuu likes to think.

There was a commotion earlier, many of the butterfly assistants gathering outside to scream and shout at whatever was the problem.

Turns out Uzui was sent on a mission, however that didn't really explain the kidnapping of little girls. It's also around this time that Giyuu had learned to be more bolder with his words, no one will hurt him over a simple witty comment anymore.

"That's s-slightly creepy.. Uzui." He muttered, watching the tall man try to escape with Kanao grabbing at his uniform.

"Hey! You just don't understand the extravagant plans my glorious mind has craved up!" The man huffed, Kanao still pounding at his back as the girls cheered.

"Still creepy, p-put Aoi down at least."

Thankfully he did, but that didn't stop Tanjirou from pouncing on the man for clear mishandling of the medic-in-training. Nor did it stop Zenitsu either, the flash of lightning looking deadly but Giyuu couldn't do anything except hold onto the wooden doorframe and watch Tanjirou argue with his flamboyant friend.

A boar-headed child stood beside the Water Hashira though, snout looking up at him with the unsettling blue eyes. It didn't scare Giyuu, the man just thought it was weird.

" you need something..?" He muttered, turning towards the boy slightly more assertively.

"You're the one that tied me up in that pest riddled forest!" It was the truth, so Giyuu simply nodded as literal bubbles of awe emerged around the boy. At least he thought it looked like that. "That was fucking.. amazing! Though I'm WAY more amazing!"

Someone to be amazed by Giyuu, is unheard of. Giyuu didn't do many legendary things, nor anything really crazy, so he didn't understand the admiration coming from the boar-headed boy.

Some footsteps approach the two, but the estranged boy waddles away to join a new commotion with his two chipped blades whilst a new person stands before the Water Hashira.

"Ah! Hello Tomioka-san!" That's a soft and cheerful voice, the man looking up to see Zenitsu and Uzui looking like steam was radiating off them as they just called each other various insults.

"Hello.. Kamado-kun." The boy in question bows, joyous smile on his face as he looks towards Giyuu.

"Please, just call me Tanjirou!" The boy smiles, softening Giyuu's heart like an arrow to the chest. "Nezuko had a lot to say about you! Thank you for taking care of her."

Giyuu didn't really understand, but Tanjirou didn't really seem to mind when he gave the boy a small head pat.

"Are you guys going with Uzui? It.. was very loud."

"Yep! Something about the Red Light District, I'm unsure of what he has planned! Though, it's better than him manhandling the girls!" Tanjirou huffs, crossing his arms even with Giyuu's hand still in his hair.

"I wasn't manhandling them!" Uzui attempts to disprove, though Zenitsu's screech of 'yes you were!' is even louder.

"Knowing him.. he might have you guys crossdress and be b-bait," Giyuu hums, "so-called 'extravagant' plans."

"Don't mock me!"

That was all for the morning, Aoi looking way better than she did writhing on Uzui's muscled shoulder and Kanao helping more with the chores. It had been two hours since Uzui said goodbye, the two other boys requesting head pats from Giyuu after seeing Tanjirou receive some.

Giyuu laid in his bed, looking at the hand cradling the ink-smeared brush. The happiness must show in his face about the headpats, because the assistant in pink smiles at him whilst handing him his medicine.

The paper is soaked in the black ink, but it looks way better than the abyss-like works he had laying in his home. There's some clouds, strokes of what could be grass, and the moon.. a circle of white in the midst of grey and splotches of darkness.

It left a good attitude on him, though it joined the multitudes of work on the bedside table as he practiced his breathing techniques.

As least.. he would've, if someone didn't slide open the doors to his hospital room so abruptly.

White spiked hair, lavender eyes squinted in unknown frustration, and a very loud presence. Giyuu nearly topples off the bed with how loud of an entrance Shinazugawa had.

"Hey shithead," he starts, "you look more shitty since the last time I saw you." 

Giyuu doesn't know whether or not to be angry with that or be disappointed. So instead he nods and allows a small smile creep onto his face.

The man should be as intimidating as Obanai, yet it doesn't feel that way. Giyuu sets the brush down into a cup of inky water and faces the other man.

"G-good morning.." he's glad there's no morning wind today, because it doesn't feel like his words got swirled away into the air, it sounds crisp and Giyuu pretends to not notice the way the other man slightly softened.

Shinazugawa scoffs, tossing an item in a patterned cloth towards Giyuu. It lands in his lap, bouncing a bit with the mattress as the Wind Hashira tugs a chair from the corner of the room.

"Fuck, it's so dark in here. Why is it so fucking dark in here?"

Giyuu wishes he had the answer, but Shinazugawa is quick to open the curtains.

The bed-ridden man didn't hear the chuckle at Giyuu's eyes squinting due to the sudden brightness.

A sweet smell distracts Giyuu from the sudden visitor, the source coming from the item wrapped in fabric. It feels heavy, but the contents end up being soft and what Giyuu would even call fluffy.

"Ohagi?" Shinazugawa had a favorite snack, and he was giving Giyuu that favorite snack.

"What else would it be fuckhead? The others kept bugging me on giving you some fucking 'recovery gift', whatever that fucking means." Shinazugawa is seated in the chair with a relaxed posture, yet something is wrong with the way his eyes dart back and forth from Giyuu and the food.

With careful but shaky hands, Giyuu lifts the food up to his nose and nearly drools. Did he make the Ohagi himself?

"It smells.." Giyuu is oblivious to the irk on the other man's cheek at the unfinished comment. "R-really good.."

The irk isn't there anymore.

"Of.. course it fucking does!" Shinazugawa snorts, tinge of pink on his ears as he crosses his scarred arms together in an attempt to defluster himself. "I fucking made it, bare hands and everything."

And the quieter man takes a bite of the snack, enjoying the texture and course red-beans that somehow taste really creamy. It even gets Giyuu to close his eyes as he chews, almost like he was dreaming with each chew.

Giyuu would've seen the transfixed expression the other man had, looking extremely pleased with the reaction though in awe at the Water Hashira's enjoyment.

"'s r-really good.." he concludes, swallowing a bite. Opening ocean blue eyes to stare into Shinazugawa's own, before holding out the box towards the man himself. "Would y-you like some..? You made it.."

Giyuu tries not to smile when Shinazugawa claims how much of a burden it was to even make Giyuu some Ohagi, though the blush on the man's cheeks disprove it.

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