Dove on the line, why are you so insistent?
Do you bring with you a message of hope,
A song of peace?
I hear you, I hear you
Every day almost. I hear you
Why do you return? You have no reason.
I want to hit the window, shatter the glass.
Yell until you believe I am not worth your time.
Give up.
Fly away.
I don't need you.
I don't need a message that's not true.
In the night,
Your song will not stop my tears,
It cannot stop these thoughts.
So. many. thoughts.
And then, so few.
There are often many all shouting at once for me to take notice.
When I do not they swirl and mesh until they are one, and so loud that I can't.
I want to scream.
Until my voice is hoarse.
I want to pound on the walls.
Until my hands are nothing- at least they won't shake.
I want to scare you away. To never come back.
I used to be able to count on that.
And yet.At morning you come, as sure as the sun rises.
Even if not for long.
Even if not every day.
The moment of calm you bring,
Gently quiets the storm in my mind.
I think they are curious.
They want to hear you.
They're scared too.
They're quiet.
I'm calm.
I see you, sitting on the wire.
I hear you.
I hear you...
And for a moment, I can believe.
That maybe I'll be alright.
(3:45 am/ March 3, 2020)~
And She Will Be Loved; A Collection of Quotes, Poems, and Other Such Writings
PuisiIf you are looking for a quote, poem or just something pretty or dark, then you've opened the right book. These works are my own that I've done at various times over the past few years and most are based off my own mental struggles. Let me know what...