The Revelation

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Chanyeol's POV
I can't believe what I just heard. Hearing it, just worsens my day, hard to believe anything like this could happen to Chaeyoung. Despite all of it, I should be the one to blame, for being an arsehole, causing her to be so lonely, what was I thinking? This night I had full regrets, driving the fastest as I could just to get to the police station and report to them about the vanishing of Jennie Kim. "Fuck it, policemen are trash, they'd find her dead. Not alive because they're slow." I immediately got impatient.

In attempts to save our school and other women who could be their targets, I knew I had to contact Kim Minseok for this matter. "Minseok-hyung, we have a problem." My friend, who apparently is one of the best detectives around South Korea. Mr. Kim works alone, which makes him one of the most prominent and successful detectives around here, he sure needs assistance, but he'd only need a sheriff to work with him. Surprisingly, no one wanted to work with him, because he was said to be an arrogant piece of shit. But he was more like a brother to me, and he'd most likely help me and he was the one who inspired me to be like him.

"Come in." His secretary opened the door for me as I entered, beads of sweat slowly falling from my forehead.
"Oh, Chanyeol, what brings you here?" He greeted nicely.
"I need your help. This is a very minor problem but I think there may have been a bigger issue in school than the bombing at our old college building in 1977." I knew some back story about the old college building where the alleged gangster group kept the college women corpses.
"Aish, that school, really is trouble. Why the hell do you still study there?" He seemed frustrated about our school.

"Well, whats going on?" I stared blankly at his morse code recorder, smirkingly he said; "Smart eye." He pointed at me as I started using morse code on his recorder. Writing it down on a piece of paper, he translated all the dots and lines.

one tall, one masked.

He then wrote in his notepad, for every response he wrote on it just like I did.

Jackson Wang and Son DongEun

My head shook in disbelief as we hurriedly left his office and drove off to the dorms where Mr. Son shot the ceiling with a bullet, most probably shot two people on the upper floor, must've been two other students who study in the same school.

"What the hell..?" We helped Taeyeon and Jisoo untie the ropes and remove the handkerchief that covered their mouth.
"He ran away... He did! I wasn't able to unmask him though..." Taeyeon was brave and looked weak due to how much Mr. Son has tried to shut their mouth, but she looked like she was so ready to spit out everything that happened just so Mr. Kim could help us out.

"Ya, Park Chanyeol, you're going to help him?" Jisoo asked as I nodded, helping her sit down at the couch along with Taeyeon. Taeyeon and Jisoo took their rest as Minseok-hyung and I continued investigating through the dorm. "Cha Eunwoo opened the door for Jennie Kim to enter, however, we saw Jackson Wang point a gun against her head, which then lead to Jennie Kim's kidnapping."

"Why did they come here?" Asked Minseok-hyung.
"They were looking for Park Chaeyoung." Minseok-hyung's eyes widened and soon bursted out in laughter.
"Your ex-girlfriend?!" Minseok-hyung laughed even harder but I only glared making him stop with a cough.
"Sorry... I'm sorry..." He paused before regaining focus once again.
"You were here when it happened, and it wasn't just a report, right?" He kind of interrogated me.
"Yes, I was here."
"And why?"
"There were letters being sent to me by this really annoying girl named Wendy Son, and Chaeyoung's boyfriend Cha Eunwoo, was apparently, also being sent letters to before." Minseok hyung raised an eyebrow at me, as if he knew or he didn't know, I just couldn't point out what kind of reaction he was trying to show.
"And then?"
"These letters.. They have something to do with the masked man... Jackson Wang, and the old building." Minseok hyung nodded in understanding.

"I'll speak to Jennie Kim, our policemen has already taken Jennie Kim in her boyfriend's custody. She'll be able to recover from trauma soon, very soon." I felt surprised by the news that she had been rescued so quickly.
"Anyways, Mr. Son DongEun must've encountered this Jennie Kim on the way to look for Chaeyoung. Which led them to interrogating you and Sir Cha Eunwoo, which he also ended up in failure with." He concluded, as always, he's been the best detective I've ever seen so far.

"In the process, the culprit must've shot the ceiling as a threat to let you all spit out wherever you have seen Chaeyoung." Mr. Kim pointed at the ceiling where the blood stain had already turned brown. I nodded in agreement as he then interrogated Taeyeon and Jisoo. I walked around to see more evidence to present to the policemen, taking the gun and the rope with me as I stared into the window, admiring the city just so the view could at least ease my mind.

My eyes widened as I saw the masked man come out of the car as he started beating up what seemed like Cha Eunwoo. I hurriedly left the dorm and ran down the stairs and passed through everything in the unit before finally leaving to the driveway where Eunwoo was currently in danger. I saw him being kicked on the stomach as he was slowly losing consciousness on the ground.

I snuck behind Son DongEun's back as I kicked his back and unmasked him as I stepped on him while he laid on the ground, making Eunwoo stand up in fear, "Mr. Son..." DongEun then hit me in the face as I smacked his face, losing his consciousness in the process.  "Doyeon-ssi, we must go now, Mr. Kim Minseok is in your dorm, interrogating Taeyeon and Jisoo!" It didn't take long until Mr. Son kicked my back just like I did to him, "RUN!" Eunwoo hurriedly ran to his shared dorm with Chaeyoung. Calling for help from Mr. Kim.

Eunwoo's POV
"Mr. Kim! Chanyeol needs your help!" I asked for help from Mr. Kim Minseok as they all ran to Chanyeol, who was currently unconscious. Mr. Kim helped him up, "He can stay in our dorm for now, Mr. Kim." He nodded as they all went to my dorm, "Jisoo... Taeyeon, I'm so sorry for tonight. You should probably get some rest, Mr. Kim will need you at the police station tomorrow morning. I'm really really sorry we got you involved in this. I can drive you both home, take that as an apology." Taeyeon nodded as I drove them to their own houses.

I returned safely in my dorm as I locked the windows and the doors for extra safety, Mr. Kim took care  of Chanyeol. "You look like you've been hiding something, Cha." He called me out. This is a detective, I should be honest this time. He'll know about my whole-ass biography in a second. "I- Mr. Kim... I knew the masked man.." I feared about saying these things to him, completely forgetting the fact that Mr. Son could be listening through secret microphones or something. Luckily, Mr. Kim stopped me from spitting out whatever I knew. "Eunwoo, I think it would be best if you write these things down for me." He gave me a warm smile as I wrote down whatever I knew about Mr. Son. "Tonight, I want you to keep a good watch over Chanyeol, he'll be awake by tomorrow. Oh, and by the way, don't worry about Ms. Park. She'll be okay, policemen are guarding her now, I know you love her and she loves you too. Goodnight Eunwoo." I couldn't believe he knew such things.

Minseok's POV
I didn't read the notepad that Eunwoo gave me as soon as he wrote it down, but now I had opened it up, I felt myself just find a major connection through this issue. The notepad says;

" He's Wendy's father "

Remembering what Chanyeol said about an annoying girl named Wendy sending Eunwoo letters in the past. "Wendy." I whispered under my breath as I remembered Eunwoo saying I think I know who the masked man is. I felt like I have solved everything, but not just yet. Why would Wendy Son expose her father with these letters? why would she write clues in them? Did she go against her father's cruelty? I've already known that Mr. Son Dongeun was the culprit behind the bombing of their 1977 College Building.

This is the most inconsistent story I've ever made but I hope you guys at least enjoyed it so far!


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