The mysteries are found...

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The Dexters that are here will be marked by their POV.


PureHeartOfGold POV.

You would think that between me, the comedy duo, Ruby, Sapphire, and Green that the meeting would be pretty interesting. But that wasn't the case. It was quiet as we all stared at the table in the middle. There was a lot of markings on a map and some papers. We had been trying to figure out who was the last two criminals and the last performer was. They had suggested to work on the criminals, even though the CSK members that were present said that would be harder. Me? I was thinking back to the music festival. Something had clicked in my head that told me that I knew who Water Mind was. There were three people who didn't show up. Shouldn't be hard to figure it out. Water Mind had a performance at the time of the meeting. So none of us could go to it. I was watching his performance from the festival. I was hoping to make a connection. The others were taking a break. I finally found where the click was. At the end of the performance, he had blew a kiss at the crowd, which made a group of fan girls faint. That was one of the oldest tricks in the book. He had to have more than that. But it got me thinking. Who else, besides me, would do that? I ran down the list of Dexters in my head. Black came over to me and sat down in an open chair next to me.

"Whatcha doing?" He was shaking a little. It was only near me when it was a friendly conversation. I knew what the problem was.

"Trying to uncover Water Mind. I think that I have a lead. But I can't confirm it."

"What is it?" I showed him the end of the performance.

"That is one of the oldest tricks in the book for flirting. I know this because I do it all the time. I'm trying to figure out who else would do that. Do you have any ideas?" He paused before nodding.

"Blake. He was given a task to find a microchip that was supposed to help with something. All he knew was that it was a girl in a school. He practically flirted with all of the girls until he found it."

"Who had it? Or is it someone I don't know?" Black looked directly at Whitley.

"Couldn't tell you." The two of us snickered at that. "But to be honest, he's always had a way in that category. When we have to ask questions, he does a better job than the rest of us." I paused for a moment.

"So... Blake's a flirt?"

"Yeah..." He froze as he finished. "Wait-"

"Water Mind is a flirt. And if it's not me standing up there..." The two of us glanced at each other.


League_Champion_Red POV

It took 2 actual seconds to break into the building with valuable information. How? Ask Blake. He wasn't trying to get killed, yet broke the alarms and locks with ease.

"How do you pull that off?" I continued to bother him. It takes me 35 minutes to pull that off.

"Meh. I do it all the time." I stare at him.



"Guys..." We both turned to Emerald, who was on his scooter. I had made it for him to work with his magic and job. He had put it to good use.

"Sorry Emerald. I guess I'm just a little jealous." He snorted.

"I'm not. I have 33 milliseconds on him." Blake smirked.

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