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"It's been one month since we heard of the mysterious disappearance of Team Blue's very own Goggles, after he fell of a boat in the middle of the ocean."

The squid sisters voices rang through the walls of Goggles' almost empty apartment, the words of the sad truth filling every room.

"While his friends and teammates work tirelessly to find him, many wonder if its time to come to terms that perhaps he's not coming b-"

The TV had shut off as an angry, sleep deprived, yellow-green Inkling couldn't bare to hear the words they were close to saying. They were wrong, he wasn't dead, he couldn't be. It's never been easy to get rid of that pest, as he was... he IS like air. Always around, even if you don't see it.

'He's fine, Rider.' The Inkling thought, trying to reassure himself. 'You're being overdramatic, he'll walk through that door any day now.'

Of course, it had been any day now for too long.

Day after day, search parties were out looking for him. Day after day, nothing was found. There wasn't a trace of him to be discovered, nothing except his signature goggles which had washed up onto land from sea.

Rider wanted to keep those goggles, but didn't. He gave them to Goggles' grandmother as he figured it would grant her some type of comfort.

Unfortunately that meant everyone else was left without that little piece of him.

His team was absolutely devastated.
They had know each other since they first started school, and spent every single day looking after and caring for each other. They were like a family and, right now, Goggles was like the missing little brother.

Team Monarch was the first to volunteer their help, as Emperor felt awful for not catching him before he had fallen. Besides that though, Prince and Goggles had become close friends, and he didn't want to lose a friend.

The S4 were also distraught, as Goggles had taught them many valuable skills and helped them to better themselves.
Army and his team were the first of the S4 to eagerly volunteer their help in searching, as their manuals would surely come in handy.
Alohas and Skulls teams weren't too far behind them, as they did start missing the little guy.
Mask took the longest to join in on the search, his team had long before him. He wanted to help, but couldn't bring himself to, feeling partially responsible for him disappearing.

They were all eager and full of hope that they'd find him...
But soon they started to give up.
What was once a huge search party had gone down to just Team Blue, Prince, Army, Rider, and his team.
Then Team Blue, and Rider...

{Authors Note}
Hello Everyone!
I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of
"Can You Hear Me?"!
I know it's short, but I just wanted a brief intro of what was happening!
The following chapters will be longer!
Please let me know what you think so far!
And have a great day!!

Can You Hear Me? (Rider x Goggles)Where stories live. Discover now