Lost Hope

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Rider let out a long sigh, taking in the sights of Goggles' apartment one more time before heading out. The last thing he wanted to do was leave, but it was nearly time for him to meet up with Team Blue to go on yet another search.

'This time things will be different... I can feel that everything is about to change.' Rider thought to himself.

The walk from the apartment to Specs' house wasn't a long one, but annoying none the less. Having to pass all the happy, smiling inklings was torcher to him. Everyone knows Goggles is missing, and they're acting like nothings wrong; like it's okay that he hasn't been found. Just the thought of them not even bothering to look under a rock for him was enough to set Rider off.

If he could have it his way, everyone who gave up on Goggles would be imprisoned for life and even after that.
He sighed.
If he could have it his way, that short, smiling, ridiculous, loving little blue brat would be by his side right now.

Shoving his thoughts aside, he walked up to Specs' house and knocked on the door.
'At least these guys haven't given up on him...'

A moment passed and the door opened, a sign for Rider to come in and take his spot with the remaining members of Team Blue.

He took a good look at each one of them...

Headphones was sat at the far end of a couch. She looked bored and nervous, like she was ready to leave before something went wrong.

Bobble Hat sat on the opposite side to Headphones. She seemed like a completely different person, as a smile couldn't be found anywhere on her face.

And Specs sat between the two girls. He looked nervous, more so than usual.

This all seemed... different.

"What happened?" Rider asked, uncertain if he actually wanted an answer.

None of Team Blue dared to look him in the eyes, and soon, the room was silent. It felt like hours had passed before anyone had spoke, but it was only minutes.

"Rider..." Headphones began. "We decided that... That..."

Specs put a hand on her shoulder and continued for her, "We can't keep looking for Goggles..."

Once again the room fell silent.

"What..?" Rider spoke after a moment, unable to tell if this was real life or a Nightmare.

"We love him and miss him so much..." Headphones rubbed her arm nervously. "But... We don't think he's okay..."

"We think he's really gone..." Bobble said quietly, holding back tears that had never been seen by others before.

Rider stared at them in disbelief. This was unbelievable. Of all people...
These three had been with Goggles their whole life and they're just giving up on him? They're choosing to accept he's gone, when they still had so much more land to cover? They're giving up on him, just like everyone else.

"Unbelievable..." Rider mumbled.

Specs glanced at the two girls then at the furious Inkling in front of them. "Rider, I know it's hard to let go, but-"

"Shut Up." Rider stood up and slammed his hands on the table, causing the others to give him their full attention. "You three call yourself Goggles' friends, but when he needs you, you give up on him."

Headphones tried to say something, but Rider wouldn't allow it.

"You know that he would search for years and years until he died to find any one of you if you went missing because that's just the kind of person he is." He shook his head and went to the door. "I hope you're all happy knowing how terrible you are."

With those words, he left.
With that meeting, Team Blue would never be the same again.
With those thoughts, Rider was more determined than ever to find Goggles.

Can You Hear Me? (Rider x Goggles)Where stories live. Discover now