And There Were 10(Part 3)

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So here's the next part and let's see if something exciting happens!!!

Jen's POV

As Grandpa was driving towards the campsite as me and Gwen sat in awkward silence

Gwen Tennyson was my cousin but she has no idea about my 'Vampire Family Situation' as I didn't exactly hang out with her when we were young as for some reason we always argue with each other

I think it's because she's a know it all that constantly gets on my nerves as she is far too nosey for her own good that she almost walked in on my Brother when he was feeding TWICE

"Ah, I can't believe it and I waited all school to go on this trip but now you're along for the ride" I said as I was fuming in anger

"Hey I already had my entire vacation planned out too you know!" She snapped at me as turned to face me as she took out a colorful paper for me to see "Each activity is color coded so I never did the same thing two days in a row" she said as she started glaring at me again "Now I'm stuck with my weird cousin going camping for three months" she said

As the two of just glared the entire ride as grandpa gave us both worried glances

Time Skip

We made it to the campsite right before sundown as me and Gwen were waiting at the table for grandpa to some out with some food

"Chow time" said Grandpa as he set down a bowl full of slimy worms as for some reason I looked at fascination

"Okay I give up, what is that?" I asked Grandpa as I have no idea what he just gave us

"Marinaded Meal Worms" he said "Hard to find them fresh in the states you know they are considered a delicacy in some countries" he happily explained

"And totally gross in others" said Gwen in disgust as I grabbed one of the meal worms and ate as it as it had a slimy chewy texture as Gwen made a disgusted face

"Not bad...better than mom's cooking" I said truthfully as adult Vampire lose there sense of taste as they grow older

"If these don't sound good I've got smoked sheep's tongue in the fridge" he offered as I just gave him a disgusted look

"Well these meal worms aren't bad but can we have a burger or something?" I asked him hopefully since I need some normal food at least

"Nonsense this summer is gonna be an adventure for your taste buds" he told us happily "I'll get the tongue" he said heading back to the Rust Bucket

As I leaned in to Gwen "Okay, I have a half eaten bag of corn chips, a candy bar and some dried jerky in my backpack what'd you got?" I asked since I don't mind the meal worms but the tongue is crossing the line

"Some rice cakes and hard candies" she told me giving a worried look

"Think we can make them last the whole summer?" I asked her as the two of us groan at the other worldly delicacies Grandpa has in store for us

Time Skip

After dealing with dinner I just settle for the meal worms but I avoided the sheep's tongue then me and Gwen didn't want to hang out unless we wanted to get into another non-stop argument

As Gwen was messing with her computer as I was playing a game both of us ignoring each other as Grandpa came out of the RV

"Who wants to roast marshmallows?" He asked us but we were to distracted to respond "okaaay, who wants to tell scary stories?" He asked us again

"If you seen the things I've have there aren't that many scary things in the world..." I couldn't but mutter under my breath as I remembered the first time I seen Big Brother feed on a human woman I was thoroughly traumatized afterwards

"I like to Grandpa but I'm busy looking for a way to get a better summer" she said in frustration as the two of us refuse to even look at each other

"Come on you two we are all in this together you can mope around like this all summer or we have some fun, what'd you say?" He tried to reason with us

"I vote for moping" Gwen said with no hesitation as I got up on my feet

"I'm going out for a walk see you later" I told them as I left on my own as I started wandering deeper into the woods as I started thinking how awful that summer was going to be

But I didn't something as simple as a walk will change my entire life

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