And There Were 10(Part 7)

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So here's the final part of "And There Were 10" I hope you all enjoy!!!

Jen's aliens so far: *Heatblast *Wildmutt

Jen's POV

After running from the campsite as I felt the adrenaline and energy coursing through me as I was jumping from branch to branch and running deeper into the woods

As I stopped on one branch as I got out of the way as something took a shot at me as I started swinging and jumping branch to branch while dodging some sort of alien robot that was shooting lasers at me

As I found a good place to hide as the robot was trying to find me as I decided to turn the tables as it didn't see me I climbed higher as I got to the top of the tree as I jumped the alien robot

It tried to shoot me as I tear the robot apart with my new found fangs as I spit out its circuits as I clawed the top part apart as I hear a familiar beep as I saw I was heading straight for the rocky cliff as I jumped off the robot

Then the robot made impact into the rock as there was a flash of red light as I me again as I came crashing onto the ground on impact onto a bush as I stood up with leaves and twigs in my hair as I looked back at what remained of that alien robot

"Yes!" I said happily as I was relieved for taking out the robot that tried to blow me up and making it out alive then another robot appeared "Are you kidding me?" I asked in frustration as it aimed an laser arm at me

"Woa! Not good!" I said as I was terrified as it got ready to shoot me as a shovel came out of nowhere and smashed the robot into pieces

As Gwen came up to me with a shovel at hand "Ugh! Back off sparky! No flying tree trimmers is going to hurt my cousin!" She said as as she used the shovel to smacking the robot repeatedly

"Never thought I say this... but I'm glad to see you" I said truthfully as the robot started sparking up as it was now on fire as the two of us ran for it as it exploded behind us

Time Skip

Next thing I know we were in the Rust Bucket as Grandpa was scolding us

"I was worried the you might get hoppier with that thing on your wrist" grandpa said in disappointment "That's why I ask you to not fool around with it until we know what the heck it is" he said as I looked down guiltily

"Sorry, Grandpa" I said as I turned towards him "But at least I figure how to make it work" I told him "All you do is press this button..." I brought my watch as an example "...then when the ring pops up just twist until you find the guy you wanted to be slam it down and bam! You one of 10 cool aliens" I explained excitedly

"What about staying a super cool alien and not transforming back into plain old pizza-face" asked my cousin smugly

"I kinda haven't figure out that part back yet" I said looking away as Grandpa looks thoughtful

"With a device is powerful as that watch planted on you, my guess is we better help you learn" he said encouraging as I looked at him in shock as I felt a big grin stretch across my face

"Alright!" I cheered as there was static in the radio as we all turned towards it

#Mayday! Mayday! Somebody help us! We're under attack by some sort of—I know your not gonna believe me, but a robot!# said the male voice in complete panic

"It sounds just like those things that attack me!" I said as I looked down the watch "It must be looking for the watch! Those people are in trouble cause of me!" I told Grandpa as he raised a brow at me as aid today up from my seat

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2020 ⏰

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