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'Cause tonight I'm feeling like an astronaut
Sending SOS from this tiny box
And I lost all signal when I lifted off
Now I'm stuck out here and the world forgot
Can I please come down, come down
'Cause I'm tired of drifting round and round
Can I please come down?

Time Skip-
Two months after Selflessness vs. Selfishness

Logan wished Thomas, Joan, and Talyn would come back from their vacation. Now, the only person who would time his Rubix cube solving speed was Patton, who did not care nearly as much as Joan.

The conversations usually went something like this: "WOAHHH, Logan, you got 33.45 seconds this time! That's... um... cool!"

Logan would sigh. "The fastest time a Rubix cube was ever solved was 4.22 seconds. My mental capacity is not nearly good enough yet."

Patton would turn red. "It's funny that you keep insisting on us coming into this empty common room to practice... Why not the living room? We could watch Parks and Rec!"

"No, I need optimum concentration. Roman is always loud and won't stop talking. It's best to be alone if I want to improve my time."

"Ya know, how long have I been here?" Then he would check his watch and nervously laugh. "Oh WOW, only ten minutes! I think my plants need watering again..."

Then, Patton would leave before Logan could tell him that the average house plant only needs to be watered 2-3 times a week, not per day. And Logan would be alone again.

Logan used to have a, 'crush,' on Patton. However, he would never EVER admit it to anyone.
He got over it when he realized they didn't understand each other. It would also be creepy because Patton thought of himself as everyone's dad.

Logan wanted to think about Rubix cubes again. A few weeks after the sides became real, not silly characters Thomas made up, Joan and Logan switched off solving and timing Rubix cubes for 1 hour straight. They only stopped when Talyn threw a jar of Crofters to Logan in return for their romantic relationship back.

Logan was still frustrated with Talyn to this day. He bet that his Rubix cube time would be down to at least 30 seconds if they'd worked all night.

When Logan wasn't working on his Rubix cube skills, he would try to figure out something about the mind space to chase his other depressing existential thoughts away.

So far, he'd figured out that all future and current sides have a room upstairs. That meant even if a side wasn't, 'alive,' yet, there was already a locked room. Only two rooms were left. Logan figured a new side would be filling the empty space soon.

What Logan found strange was none of the sides were real, at first. The first three episodes were solely Thomas being a 'total geek.' But by the fourth episode, something strange happened: Thomas didn't have to act. By the time the 5th episode was in production, a new seemingly impossible stairwell appeared in Thomas's house.

You couldn't see it from the outside of the house, but it was there. Only Thomas or his friends could climb it. It was invisible to guests, or anyone who didn't understand Thomas.

After a fair amount of experimentation (and many confused neighbors), the sides found they could leave the house, too. Although, the sides couldn't teleport outside of the house like they could inside of it.

Thomas invested in different colored contacts, foundation, clothes, and different heel and boot heights. At that point, all of the sides could leave the house at the same time without confusion.

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