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I do not own the song, the characters, and pictures. I just edited the pictures. However this story is mine, and please do not copy it. Be original.
Song: Dollhouse
Artist: Melanie Martinez
Chapter Name: Prologue

T H I R D   P E R S O N   P O V

It seemed like a normal morning to Aizawa. The day had started out normal; wake up, put in eye drops, grab his sleeping bag, and walk to his classroom.

However, when Aizawa got to his classroom, he was surprised to see only Uraraka and Ashido sitting in their seats. He wondered where the rest of his class had gone. He also noticed that Uraraka and Ashido looked somewhat upset. He ignored it, thinking that whatever the was causing them to feel down was just temporary.

Aizawa walked over to his desk and curled up in his sleeping bag, waiting for the rest of his class to arrive so he could give them detention.

Right as Aizawa was about to doze off, Iida slid into the room as if he were Micheal Jackson backstage two minutes late. His face looked somewhat solemn, as he quickly took his seat. Iida plopped into his chair as his head banged against his desk.

Aizawa sighed, and then got up to walk over to Iida for an explanation on why he was late. Aizawa rubbed his eyes as he walked over to the student. Iida lifted his head up to greet his teacher, only to be met with a familiar, red-eyed glare.

"I'm sorry Sensei, I overslept. I know I don't have a great excuse, but please believe me." Iida said with barely any emotion as he scratched the back of his neck. Aizawa kept a straight face, but was hella confused as to why Iida of all people would oversleep. The younger boy did look tired, and he unusually had black bags under his eyes. Aizawa sighed again, and let it go without saying anything. He turned around, heading back to his desk, when he saw Kirishima, Sero, Midoriya, and Todoroki all enter. Hagakure was there too, but Aizawa couldn't technically see her.

They all quietly took their seats without a word. It was different from the usual chit-chat they normal endorsed in before class. Aizawa shook his head to make sure he wasn't dreaming. They all looked down as well. Had something happened to them? It made Aizawa worry, but he wouldn't show that to his students of course.

Sooner or later, everyone had sulkingly made their way into the classroom. Not one of them said a word to each other, and Aizawa was going crazy. Their normal class schedule was already different for that day because all the homeroom teachers were supposed to talk about mental health with their classes. Aizawa was not looking forward to this discussion. He himself had PTSD from events in his past, such as his friend dying, and other horrific events. One of those events was the USJ. He didn't show it in front of his students, but that even really affected him mentally.

The black-haired teacher had read all his kids files, but they didn't really give any bad mental health stories. He assumed that some of his students had secrets they had never shared. He didn't want to force them into conversation they didn't want to talk about.

Aizawa grumpily shuffled to his desk, and greeted the class. However, when the class greeted him, they were less enthusiastic then usual. Something was definitely up. Everyone sat down, with traces of boredom and glum evident on their faces. Aizawa almost felt bad for doing the mental health class on this day.

"Alright, today we have a different schedule planned out. And that's actually a good thing considering you all were over a half-an-hour late today." Aizawa grumbled with a glare as all the students looked away. "Today's lesson will get a little upsetting, so just bare with me." Aizawa continued.

"Today we're talking about mental health," the class all groaned at that, "and how to handle situations involving it. It will be a good skill to know how to deal with mental disorders, especially because you never know what kind of people you're going to meet in life."

The class couldn't argue with that argument, so they tried to focus up and listen. Aizawa started writing the names of different mental disorders and disabilities on the board. While he was writing them, he couldn't help but look back at his students and wonder what the hell was going on. Maybe they had all gotten in a fight with each other? The last time that happened, Bakugou and Midoriya nearly burned all the dorms down.

Aizawa then shook his head to focus himself again. Maybe this class would help them a little bit.

Once Aizawa was done writing his list, he began, "Okay, so I've separated these into two groups. Something can can affect the person physically, and what can only affect them mentally. Now you may be wondering, why is there only one list on the board? It's because all mental disorders can affect you physically. Mental health is a really serious thing that not a lot of people take seriously." The students seemed to perk up in interest a little after that lecture. Aizawa goes to speak again, but his desk phone starts to ring.

Aizawa groans, but lurches over to his desk. He picks up the phone to hear Nezu's voice.

"Hello Aizawa, I have just called to inform you that our school is going to be going closing and through some renovations due to some of the third years destroying half of the property." Aizawa wanted to face plant straight onto the floor when he heard that, but he kept his composure.

"I see. For how long will we be out?" Aizawa questioned, not at all happy with this. He needed his students to train for future villain attacks, not lounge around.

"Only a short while. Most likely two weeks for now. Students will be allowed to freely leave the campus to visit home if they would like. It could be a great time for students to see their families." Aizawa only grunted in response to the principal of U.A. "That will be all for now. The break will start after school today. Good day." And with that Nezu hung up the phone.

Aizawa started to mutter under his breath about how he needed a raise as he slowly walked back to the front of the class. All the students were now looking at him, curiosity filling their minds on what the phone call was about.

"Well, it seems that we have a two week break starting today after school. You all are free to head home and visit your families, or you can stay in the dorms. I will be staying as I have to finish up grading your papers due last week. And while I have the chance to remind you, also remember to study for your finals. They're coming up in about five weeks." Aizawa informed his students. They all just stared at Aizawa, not saying anything. This annoyed Aizawa deeply, but he managed to not show his anger once again.

Aizawa talked the rest of his class about mental health. They didn't ask even one question. Not a single one. Aizawa was going insane, but he acted as if nothing as wrong. During this break, he was going to make it his mission to figure out what was wrong with his students.

He was determined to.


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