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I do not own the song, the characters, and pictures. I just edited the pictures. However this story is mine, and please do not copy it. Be original.
Song: Soldier, Poet, King
Artist: The Oh Hellos
Chapter Name: ⚠️ Until We Meet Again ⚠️


It is a grave day for Izuku. The past week, he's been spending every living, breathing second with Toshinori.

The man is sad to have to finally have to say goodbye to his protégée. He loves the kid as his own; which is saying a lot since the man has no family left.

Shouta accompanies the teenager every time they go out. Hizashi, him, and the students have all recently moved into their new home—an abandoned orphanage which cost literally nothing compared to the two husbands' average rent for their apartment.

Even though he would never admit it—it hurt Shouta to see Toshinori in such a bad state. It hurt him to see Izuku so upset all the time.

"Shouta." A raspy voice pulls the pro hero out of his thoughts.

The black haired man turns his head towards Yagi, who is giving him a soft grin. Izuku, tightly holding the skinny man's hand, shivers with anxiety. Shouta can clearly see the kid is trying to hold back tears.

"You and I may have never been friends, but that doesn't mean I never trusted you." Toshinori starts to explain with a soft, gentle touch that makes Shouta freeze. "I should have told you from the beginning, but young Izuku—he—I gave my quirk to him. That's how he got into U.A."

Shouta's eyes explode open.

"What? That's not possible. You can't just give a quirk to someone—"

"Actually, you can." Toshinori interrupts, "It's extremely rare, but it can happen. Before I gave young Izuku my quirk, he was quirkless. That's why he didn't have much control over his power at first." The skinny man explains.

Shouta's jaw drops.

"What? And you didn't bother to tell me this before?" Shouta says angrily.

"I had no choice—" Toshinori starts to hack and cough. The grip that Izuku has on the man's arm gets unsettlingly tighter. Shouta sees the crystal tears about to fall.


Hizashi and Shouto walk the halls of a white hospital. The peppermint boy keeps his head down, not looking at anyone or anything.

The loud man walks beside him, giving the young boy reassuring smiles every once in a while. Hizashi had brought Fuyumi and Natsuo the day before, giving Shouto time to collect himself before he came face to face with Dab—Touya.

"You okay, kid?" Hizashi carefully asks the boy. Todoroki nods, but keeps his mouth shut.

The two continue their journey down the hall. As they wonder through the corridors, they take in the aesthetic of the hospital. The sound of feet hitting the ground is the only sound heard in the quest hallways.

Finally, the reach the room labeled 'Todoroki, Touya.' Shouto gulps in fear, not meaning to show his emotions. Hizashi gently takes the boy's hand in his own, as they push open the door.

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