Chapter 11: Eyes Over Heaven Pt 2

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I do not own JoJo's Bizarre Adventures.

This is a fanfic designed to show what could've been.

1999 Morioh Japan*

A Few Minutes After The End Of Chapter 10*

Giara Giovanna's POV*(Age: 27)

After Joseph gave me the run down I said, "Thanks." and exited the turtle only to be around Jotaro, Koichi, and Rohan.

Joseph and Josuke followed me out soon after.

Koichi freaked out and said, "Josuke came out of the turtle?!".

Josuke turned to them and said, "Oh! Koichi, Rohan! This turtle is pretty cool! The inside is like a room in a spaceship! It's killer awesome!".

I nodded in agreement and said, "Go on, try it out!".

Rohan looked down at the turtle and asked, "A spaceship? Inside that filthy turtle?".

Rohan walked over and entered the turtle and it was freaking little Koichi out.

Koichi followed him and entered the turtle.

I nodded as me and Jotaro's Holy Corpse parts started glowing.

Josuke asked, "What is it?".

Jotaro said, "The corpse is resonating... Looks like there's a Holy Corpse part nearby!".

I said, "We should find it.".

We walked off and within a few minutes found one of these Holy Corpse parts.

Josuke asked, "Jotaro, miss lady, what's that weird light?".

The Holy Corpse part floated up and over to Josuke.

Josuke grabbed it and said, "It's so dry and flaky... Eww, it gives me the creeps!".

I said, "Hey, be careful. That's your part of the Holy Corpse right there.".

Josuke turned to me and said, "Yeah, I did hear about that inside of the turtle... There are Ten parts in total...and we have to collect them...and this is the fifth part, right?".

I and Jotaro said, "Yeah.".

Josuke put the Holy Corpse part in his jacket and we were thrown a picture from the turtle.

Jotaro said, "It can't be!".

Josuke asked, "Who is that?".

I looked at it and seriously said, "My father... DIO.".

Jotaro said, "I've been wondering about it for a while... There was only ever one person Enyaba would pledge her loyalties to, and that's DIO. I don't know how, but that bastard is back from the dead and is pulling the strings from the shadows...".

I looked at the distance thinking about me and Giorno's father.

Josuke entered the turtle and we approached the portal to the next time/era whatever.

I said, "Let's do this!".

I entered the portal.

1 Multi-Dimensional/Time/Space Jump To 1888*

We arrived in a mansion and Jotaro asked, "Are we inside a building? This doesn't look Japanese?".

I said, "Look like victorian era architecture.".

A man with curly hair and a bowler hat appeared.

He said, "This is Mr. Joestar's...".

I and Jotaro asked, "What?".

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