Chapter four

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Another six months

...another fire-included rampage from Blaze, after discovering that Mephiles has escaped, yet again. Sticks races to Sapphire's cabin, since her burrow is almost destroyed from Blaze's fireballs. Sticks knocks the door, for Sapphire to answer.

"Oh, hey Sticks. What brings you here?" Sapphire greets, asking

"My burrow, I can't stay there." Sticks answers

"How come?"

"Blaze's rampages, fireballs have burnt my furniture. She's a madwoman I tells ya, a madwoman!"

"Do you wanna stay here, until your burrow's back in order?"

"Yes, please Sapphire. Thanks."

"That's what friends are for, Sticks."

Sapphire invites Sticks into the cabin. As for Silver, he comes around from being knocked unconscious and finds himself in a room that resembles a test room. Knowing that Blaze is behind this, Silver is looking for ways to undo the ties around his wrists and ankles. Soon, Blaze comes into the room.

"Why hello, Silver the Hedgehog. Lovely to see you again." Blaze greets

"What do you want?!" Silver asks, unimpressed

"Ooh, that's a sour reception. Coming from someone who's usually nice."

"Only 'cos you keep hurting my friends and boyfriend, using words."

"I'm only giving Shadow and Mephiles what they deserve."

"Neither of them deserves re-sealing, and the torture that you're giving them to achieve that!"

Furious, Blaze uses pure Chaos Energy and spiritual energy to cause Silver excruciating pain, causing him to scream out.

"Why are you doing this?!"

"You're just as bad as Shadow and Mephiles, question after question, trying to escape."

'What friend is she?' Silver thinks, starting to cry

Blaze soon burns Silver's arm, using a small fire blast making him scream out once more. Hearing this, Scarlett races in and pushes Blaze away, trying to free Silver. Furious, Blaze fires an attack for Scarlett to avoid it and attack Blaze. After around two hours, both cats are giving each other evil glares.

"What're you doing next, kitty cat?" Blaze asks

"You'll find out sooner or later." Scarlett responds

As for Sapphire, she's with Sticks as Shadow, Emerald and Mephiles come racing in. Sapphire notices Silver's absence.

"Where's Silver?" Sapphire asks, concerned

"He's been taken away, by Blaze..." Emerald answers

Sapphire quickly uses her spiritual energy to locate Silver and Blaze, with success.

"Right, you four stay here. I'll get Silver back, along with... Scarlett?" Sapphire informs

Sapphire quickly teleports to Silver's location, to notice Blaze and Scarlett fighting, whilst Silver is tied up, crying in pain. Sapphire then races to Silver, freeing him.

"Thank you, Sapphire." Silver says

"It's alright, Silver. We need to get you and Scarlett outta here." Sapphire responds

"How? Scarlett's still fighting with Blaze."

Scarlett quickly stops fighting, teleporting to Sapphire and Silver.

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