Chapter six

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                                       The journey begins

Four hours pass and group reach an outer clearing, crossing the border between Station Square and the rest of Mobius. Sapphire notices that no-one has slept in the past 24 hours.

"Guys, don't you think it's a good idea to stop and get some sleep?" Sapphire asks, proving a point

"Right, we need somewhere to sleep. C'mon team, let's get searching." Lucinda instructs

After another two hours, the group find a place to sleep; in another clearing further away from the one they've just walked from. Emerald stretches, getting tired.

"Mother, I'm tired." Emerald informs Amy

"Guys, where are we meant to sleep?" Amy asks, concerned for Emerald

"Okay, Silver and Mephiles, find firewood. Everyone else, we'll build shelters for the night." Sapphire instructs

Mephiles and Silver search for firewood, to find themselves deep inside a dark woodland. Mephiles takes Silver's hand, surprising him.

"What are you doing, gorgeous?" Silver asks

"You'll find out." Mephiles answers

Mephiles then hugs Silver from behind, kissing his neck. Silver feels Mephiles' touch, giving into every manoeuvre. Silver's face quickly heats up as Mephiles feels the heat.

"Liking this?" Mephiles asks

Silver nods as Mephiles twirls him around, surprising him. Mephiles then kisses Silver's lips, for Silver to lower his ears. Soon, a voice is heard calling for them and they separate.

"Hey, guys what's the hold up? We need firewood." Lucinda calls out

"We're on our way, go back to the others." Mephiles calls back

"We'd better get that firewood, babe." Silver informs

"I agree with you, Silvy."

Mephiles and Silver find firewood and take it back to the group.

"What was the hold up, you two?" Sonic asks

"Nothing, nothing at all." Silver says

"You two lovers, caught up touchin' more like." Scourge teases

Mephiles and Silver re-join the group, to notice Lucinda missing.

"Where's Lucinda?" Silver asks

"That's a good question, she was here a minute ago." Amy responds

As for Lucinda, she's on a cliff as she remembers a tune. She sings it and an aura develops around her; remembering her late girlfriend, she starts crying.

"Lauretta, I couldn't save you that day. I miss you so much, love you just as much..." Lucinda says out

Still on firm ground, the aura disappears, and Lucinda sits down and cries into her knees. She soon puts her legs down, hanging them over the cliff edge. After a couple of hours, Lucinda decides to re-join the others, making their attention turn to her.

"Hey, are you alright Lucinda?" Shadow asks

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's all just get some sleep; we've got a long journey to continue." Lucinda answers, bluntly

Without further discussion, everyone heads to their shelters and sleeps. Morning arrives, everyone is awakened by pots clanging together.

"Alright, you lot time to get up. We need to get moving." Lucinda orders

Soon, the Hedgehogs are out of their shelters and confused at the early wake up.

"Lucinda, what's going on?" Sapphire asks, tiredly

"We've got a journey to complete; no stalling, just move!" Lucinda orders, stressed

Everyone quickly gets moving, except for Mephiles of whom goes to Lucinda, concerned.

"Lucinda, are you alright?" Mephiles asks, putting his hand on Lucinda's shoulder

Lucinda soon starts crying, brushing Mephiles' hand off her shoulder.

"Nowhere near. I went away to be alone last night, remembered my late girlfriend. That's why I came back late. I couldn't save her that day, Lauretta died, and I wasn't there. What girlfriend does that? Not a true girlfriend, that's for sure." Lucinda answers

Mephiles hugs Lucinda as she cries more.

"Are you guilty for losing Lauretta?"

"Yes, more than anything. She was the one, we understood each other, known each other since we were small, best friends and childhood sweethearts. Then, an accident killed her, and I couldn't get there to help her. Lauretta and her spirit probably hate me for that."

Mephiles kisses Lucinda's forehead, hugging at the same time.

"Where were you when it happened?"

"I was working in another part of Mobius, whilst she was in Station Square."

"I'm sure Lauretta would've understood why you couldn't make it. I'm also sure that she would've loved you all the same and she would want you to find someone new."

"I did try that, then my ex-boyfriend came around and abused me from start to finish. I don't even know if I want someone new anymore. After the abuse, I've been avoiding any possible love interest."

"Is that why you wanted everyone to get moving right away?"

"Yes, I'm afraid of history repeating itself."

As for Silver, he's the leader as he notices Mephiles and Lucinda's absence.

"Where are Mephiles and Lucinda?" Silver asks

"I'll contact them and get their location." Shadow responds

Shadow contacts Lucinda on his communicator. Lucinda receives the call.

"Hello, Lucinda here." Lucinda greets

"Hi, where are you and Mephiles? You're not with us and we're concerned." Shadow asks and informs

"Erm... we're..." Lucinda says, stuttering

"We're on our way, just wait for us." Mephiles responds

"Alright, we'll wait. Don't spend too long."

Communications are soon cut. Lucinda soon uses her magic and spiritual energy to locate the other Hedgehogs and follows the path with Mephiles.

"Are you sure you'll be alright with the others?" Mephiles asks

"Yes, I'll just use a sugar-coating like earlier." Lucinda answers

"Luci listen, Sapphire, Shadow and Emerald understand grief better than the rest of us. Also, it won't take them long to see through your sugar-coating. All I know is, hiding it will hurt more than telling it like it is."

"Are you sure about that?"

"I'm certain of it, Luci. You'll feel better telling those that you trust and understand what you're going through."

Mephiles and Lucinda soon find the other Hedgehogs. Without further discussion, the group continue their journey. After twenty-four hours without rest, the group reach the unnamed Mobian town. Mephiles and Silver reunite, knowing that they won't be allowed to have Lucinda in their relationship. Soon, the group enter their new home, ready to start their new lives; oblivious to how this royal feud will affect them.

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