Third Person

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Sailor woke up the next morning, sore as could be. She tried to stand up but couldn't. She let out a tiny whimper of pain waking Darry up. He laughed and she blushed thinking of the night before. Darry picked her up bridal style and carried her downstairs to the couch. They had a lovely breakfeast together laughing and talking.

As Darry was doing the dishes in the kitchen, Sailor started to cough. She couldn't stop. She fell off the couch on to her knees. That's when she realized, she was coughing blood. Darry heard the commotion from the kitchen and ran to her aid. When he saw blood he picked her up and speed off to the hospital. He carried her inside franticly calling for help. He watched helplessly as his fiance was wheeled away in so much pain. He sat in the waiting room bursting into tears. He never cried. He hadn't even cried when his parents died.

He called the gang and told them to head over. He sat in the waiting room waiting for some news, or the gang. As doctor walked in asking for her party of people. Darry stood up so quick it made him dizzy.
"I have to apologize sir. But she can't make it. It's too late. It turns out her cancer was more advanced then we thought." Darry looked at him in shock. The one girl he loved so dearly, was gone. His knees buckled beneath him. At this point the gang had head everything and they were behind him.
Dally was shocked.
Sodapop started to cry.
Ponyboy was confused.
Two was not smiling.
Steve had the wind knocked out of him.
Johnny started to cry with Soda.
As the boys drive to Sailor's house they all sat in a sad silance. When they pulled up and got out they all have Darry a big hug.

Be walked inside embracing her scent and looking around at all the yellow. Her words then went through his head,When I die, I don't want you to beat yourself up. I don't want you to cry all the time. I want you to stay happy. And just know I'll always look over you and the boys. He repeated the words in his head smiling looking at all the old memories. He sat on her bed remembering the night before. Chuckling with tears in his eyes he picked up a sunflower and looked at it. He would miss her yes but he wanted to fulfill his promise. Stay happy. Stay Gold. For her.

The End

The End

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