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Name: Jayden Elder

Nicknames: n/a

Age: 17


Gender: male (ftm)

Sexuality: straight

Languages: English

Power; none


appearance: he has really pale skin but It tans instead of burns and still looks to be very much a female due to his parents. He has long curly dark hair almost appearing black instead of brown. It is a tangled mess most of the time as he doesn't have the motivation to care for it, and he also hopes if it gets too tangled his parents will allow him to cut it off. His eyes are a bright blue and his features are honestly quite stunning, if he wasn't constantly wearing oversized clothes he would probably be considered pretty. Or maybe even hot.

clothing: an oversized hoodie, jeans and vans. Sometimes a jean jacket and a teeshirt with his binder but it's hard for him to get out of the house wearing it

Hair colour: dark brown

Hair style: long dark and tangled

Eye colour: blue

Scars: some self harm ones and a few random ones from accident

Tattoos/piercings/birthmarks: Pierced ears he doesn't wear earrings in ever

Personality: he's an anxious person that always seems to be second guessing things and he absolutely can't deal with change. He has a routine he sticks too and needs to know in advance if it's going to change. He has a large friend group and loves being around them, not liking if he isn't for too long. He makes jokes a lot when stuff is going good and when it isn't he tries to make sure everyone is doing okay. He tries to hide his anxiety and clinginess around new people by acting tough/edgy but that fails pretty quickly.

Mental illnesses: body dysphoria, anxiety, panic disorder, number related ocd

Physical illnesses: bad eye sight, has glasses

Habits: picking at his skin, tapping on things in sets of 5

Phobias: rats and mice


Fears: dogs, needles, social rejection

Strengths: thinks things over, first aid, strong swimmer, smart, picks things up quickly

Weaknesses: anxious, second guesses himself, clingy, can be annoying, needs a schedule to function

Likes: peaches, peach flavoured things, leafy plants, stars, his grandparents, multiples of 5 and 10 that don't overlap with 3,peace tea, painting

Dislikes: dogs, multiples of 3, anxiety, some textures, people vaping around him,

Occupation: student


Birthplace: Florida



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