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Name: Leonardo Roman

Nicknames: Leo

Age: 22

Birthday: August 12th

Gender: male

Sexuality: Straight

Languages: Spanish and English

Power; none


appearance: he is a shorter boi standing at 5'8.5" and his skin is a kinda lighter tone with dark undertones. His eyes are a dark, chocolatey brown that can appear black in certain lighting. His hair is kinda long and dark brown, it's quite curly and pulled into a ponytail most of the time. Most of the time he has a bit of stubble growing because he hasn't shaved in a few days.

clothing: a green tank top, shorts, beat up runners and glasses

Hair colour: dark brown

Hair style: curly and in a pony

Eye colour: brown

Scars: random burns and cuts on his hands and arms

Tattoos/piercings/birthmarks: faint freckles. Ear pierced


Mental illnesses: none

Physical illnesses: none

Habits: pushes his glasses up and down his face

Phobias: loud sounds


Personality: he is a serious kinda sad seeming person but he does tend to joke around with people he knows but to an outsider he definitely comes off as sad. He is hardworking, he has to be in order to get what he needs and wants in life. He really likes to write, especially poetry and the like. One of the things he's the most bitter about is not being able to finish school in the states, or at all. He gets stuck up things a lot, becoming obsessive with things for short amounts of time before moving on.

Fears: losing his jobs, never finishing his education, gun violence

Strengths: smart, realistic, good with cars,


Likes: nature, his family, wildlife, coconuts, spicy food, swimming, rhymes, doing research

Dislikes: tourists (especially Americans), American government, cold weather, cites, the slums, snakes, guns, knives, places without wifi,

Occupation: mechanic and tour guide

Ethnicity: Costa Rican

Birthplace: Costa Rica

Backstory: he grew up in Costa Rica until he was 4 and his mom became pregnant with his younger sister, his family then decided that immigrating to the states would give their children a better life. He then lived there from when he was 4 till around the age of 12 always kinda taking care of Maya as his parents worked multiple jobs to support them. When his parents got deported, he did as well leaving just his sister in the states. He then didn't go back to school there instead starting to consistently work and learn how to work on cars from his father which he's been doing since then making enough to scrape by. As an older teen he got caught up with the wrong crowd but he managed to get out of that so he's doing decent now.

Other: he Maya's big brother

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