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Name: Tanya

Nicknames: n/a

Age: immortal

Birthday: unknown

Gender: female

Sexuality: straight

Languages: Egyptian, English, Mandarin

Power; she can fly for short amounts of time, she can control the wind and she can talk to cows. She heals faster then most people but scars easier,


appearance: she has dark brown skin that has a blue tone if you look close enough and she is about 5'5". She has freckles that are shaped like stars and if you look very closely more faint ones that look like constellations. She has a small scar over her eyebrow that is a golden colour and her blood is golden as well. She has dark blue hair that she normally wears in space buns. Her eyes are the same dark colour as her hair with gold flecks in them.

clothing: a yellow T-shirt/blue T-shirt with stars and moons, dark blue overalls, a necklace with a crescent moon charm on it, blue vans and glasses with blue glittery frames

Hair colour: navy blue

Hair style: space buns

Eye colour: dark blue with gold flecks

Scars: one small scar over her eye brow that's a golden colour

Tattoos/piercings/birthmarks: none


Mental illnesses: none

Physical illnesses: none

Habits: fiddles with her necklace

Phobias: none


Personality: She is an happy, kinda childish person. Her main motivator is her curiosity. She always wants to know exactly what's going on and why it's happening. She is really trusting, to win her trust it takes one kind act no matter how small. She is definitely naive, even when she knows something is up she just wants to trust people. She has a hard time lying, and reading some social cues.

Fears: aving people reject her because she's a god, small spaces, feeling trapped

Strengths: her powers, kind, smart, good reflexes, good with animals, cheerful,

Weaknesses: naive, doesn't trust her instincts, spacy,



Occupation: none

Ethnicity: African American

Birthplace: Egypt


Other: she a god. She born long ago. Lots of smart

 Lots of smart

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