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Name: Izna

Nicknames: None

Age: 12

Birthday: August 01

Gender: female

Sexuality: questioning

Languages: English and Arabic

Power; She can shapeshift and grant wishes


appearance: She is a really cute child who looks younger then she is, appearing 9 or 10 not 12. Her skin is a lighter tone then her siblings probably being called honey or just a bit darker then that. Her hair is long and dark brown with Caramel streaks In it and is naturally wavy. She has dark green eyes and small freckles on the bridge of her nose.

clothing: She normally wears a long white skirt with sequins and gems sewn onto it in the shapes of flowers and a blue top with a green and silver stitched pattern. She has a silver necklace with her name on it that she hadn't taken off in like a year. She also normally wears 4 brackets made of silver, one that looks like a bunch of leaves with a flower, ones a simple chain, one with a wave design and the other is a like simple band with blue gems in it.

Hair colour: Brown with caramel streaks

Hair style: Loose

Eye colour: Green

Scars: None

Tattoos/piercings/birthmarks: None


Mental illnesses: None

Physical illnesses: None

Habits: plays with her hair

Phobias: none


Personality: she is basically the perfect child, she's for the most part sweet and eager to please. She is eager to learn things and catches on to them fairly quickly but if she can't learn it fast she just gives up on The thing. She is kinda bratty always wanting to follow the rules and thinks everyone else has to do the same. To her the world is black and white. If things don't go her way her perfect personality will dissolve into a Bratty little
Kid who can't handle the word no.

Fears: becoming trapped into granting wishes, her sister deserting her

Strengths: her powers, gets her way, smart,

Weaknesses: whiny, entitled, clingy, over emotional

Likes: beaches, water, Rivers, spicy/sour candy, her sister, the moon, silver, blue, makeup, pretty things

Dislikes: dirt, people that try to force her to grant wishes

Occupation: none

Ethnicity: middle eastern

Birthplace: n/a

Backstory: from the time she was about 4 to present day she was her parents favourite child always getting what she wanted and being compared to her brother so she always tried to be better then him but it was a healthy revelry. She was always pretty decent with her powers and tried to help people as much as she could.

Other: she's a djinn

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