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Name: Rebecca Aditi Dara

Nicknames: Becca/Becky, teddy bear(hates it),

Age: 16

Birthday: September 23rd

Gender: female

Sexuality: lesbian but thinks she's bi at the moment

Languages: English and a bit of

Power; none


appearance: a plus size girl with darker but not overly so skin, it's pretty much unmarked other then a few random acne scars. She has dark brown nearly black hair that is just barely curly and cut to her shoulders. She has quite soft features, people will sometimes say she's like a teddy bear which she hates a lot but doesn't say this. Any day she is going to go out in public she puts on makeup, normally winged eyeliner and blush as well as filling in her eyebrows. She has her septum pierced and ear piercings she wears gold hoops in. Her eyes are dark brown often appearing black.

clothing: knitted sweater or loose long sleeves tees in darker or muted colours and skirts most of the time or ripped jeans

Hair colour: dark brown

Hair style: either loose or braided

Eye colour: dark brown

Scars: a few random acne scars

Tattoos/piercings/birthmarks: a septum piercing


Mental illnesses: none

Physical illnesses: none




Personality: she's a rather soft spoken girl who is quite timid and not sure of herself yet, she is rather reluctant to speak her opinions and when she does doesn't try to make them heard or understood. She is quick to go along with others suggestions not ready to be a leader and is rather easy to push around. She is rather social and finds it easy to make conversation with others. She's starting to find herself becoming more confident and standing up for herself but it's taking time as expected, in a few years it's very possible she'll be quite sure of herself and more authoritative but time will tell. She's quite smart but often stresses about her grades feeling the need to be perfect due to stress from her parents.

Fears: being alone/outcasted, blood

Strengths: kind, smart, easy to talk to, social, baking,

Weaknesses: timid, let's herself be pushed around, still trying to find her place in the world, not sure of herself, keeping plants alive,

Likes: baking, reading, the beach, science, spicy food, chocolate, her friends, malls, Tiktok,

Dislikes: her parents, thinking of the future, potatos, kiwis, fuzzy things, most of her nicknames, plants, allergies

Occupation: student

Ethnicity: half East Indian

Birthplace: Alberta, Canada

Backstory: she was born to two immigrant parents which kinda messed up her social life, school was always put as a top priority for her and her being allowed to do stuff with friends came third, the most important being graded, then family, then friends. Starting when she was a teen she started figure out how to sneak around the rules, how to sneak out, lie about where she was going and stuff like that. All just so she could go to a sleepover or hangout with that boy.

Other: shes allergic to pollen and at any time of the year she'll be complaining about it

Other: shes allergic to pollen and at any time of the year she'll be complaining about it

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2021 ⏰

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