Chapter 1: The beginning

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Same boring routine, like a broken record. Playing over and over again. The same boring job, the same bland faces. The same schedule as always. I walked into my first period, art. Sitting in the back of the class, next to the window or as people call it, the anime seat. I looked outside, sunny skies. How I missed being as bright as the yellow orb in the sky. How I missed having the same purity, the same innocence as the blue sky.

Soon, the bell rang, signaling the beginning of class. One kid after another, walking in and settling down. I closed my eyes, imagining a world in which everyday is an adventure. I smiled to myself knowing, that day will never come but, it'll live on in my mind.

"Alright class. Settle down." Mr. Kyojuro walked in. Late, as always. "I have an announcement to make. We have a new student. A transfer student actually. Come on in, don't be shy now." He offered a reassuring smile. A boy with black ombré hair fading to blue walked in. His eyes the color of emeralds such treasures in themselves. "Ok tell as a little bit about yourself."

"Inosuke Hashibira." I heard his name and began to zone out.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)? (Y/n)!" I was snapped out of my thoughts by the loud voice of my poor excuse for a teacher.

"Yes?" I meekly called out.

"Inosuke, that's (Y/n). You will be sitting next to her from now on." He walked over, sitting in the empty desk by me.

Normally people ignored me like the plague. Don't get me wrong, I like the solitude but, a little company won't do me any harm.

"Ok, now that that's settled, let's begin. Today we will be drawing our paradise. Our own little sanctuary. What we consider home. Now some will say home is underneath their blankets binging a show." Kids laughed. "Other may say, how is in the arms of family. It all depends. I want you to draw me your version of home." My version of home? Do I even have a place like that?

I raised my hand. "Yes?" Mr. Kyojuro walked over to me.

"What if we don't have a paradise?" I blushed. God I sound so pathetic...

"Then draw what you think it would be that makes you happy." I nodded.

Suddenly ideas flooded my mind. I drew of a starry night. Bright white dots littered the night sky, the full moon illuminating my surroundings. A flower field beneath my feet. Me, alone, dancing, smiling, happy. The waters below the cliff providing me with a calming presence, the sea whispering to me that it was all going to be ok. I smiled, yeah, that would be nice.

"So, what are you doing?" Inosuke looked over my shoulder, his minty breathe fanning my neck, sending shivers down my spine. Hasn't this boy learned of personal space? I quickly flipped my page over.

Turning to face him, I said "None of your business." I really wasn't interested in hearing what he has to say. I hoped he would just be quiet. Guess I was wrong.

"Of course it can never be as good as mine but it must not be bad so show me." He respondes smugly.

"Yeah, well show me. Let's see if you're not just all bark and no bite." I countered. He showed me his poor excuse of a drawing but hey, art is art. A blue stick figure which I'm assuming was him took up most of the space with animals surrounding him.

"So what'd ya think?" I don't want to burst his bubble. That's mean...

"It's great." I turned back around focusing on my drawing.

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