Chapter 2: Reckless Teens

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Ever since Inosuke came into the picture, my life was suddenly far less solitary. Every day was something new. A new adventure, a new shenanigan he never failed to come up with. Ultimately resulting in a ticket to the head master's office. The principal had already memorized our names. Glaring at us through red hooded eyes. Repeatedly scolding us for our defamation of the school. Our notorious tales were infamous around campus. Word even got around neighboring schools. (Y/n) and Inosuke, the troublesome duo. With this new found "fame" came new found problems.

A club in Inosuke's name came around which practiced the worshipping of Inosuke and the banishing of me.

In only a week he managed to build a name for himself. The reputation of the school's trouble maker and bad boy. The boy every girl swoons over. He was a fresh face in a crowd of bland people. Everyone adored him for that fact, he was different. Even I acknowledged that. He brought something knew to the table. There was something about him that you just couldn't look away from, you had to know more.

I awoke to the sound of pebbles hitting the window. I begrudgingly got out of bed with a groan. I looked outside the window only to see Inosuke, dressed in a white buttoned up shirt and black pants. The first couple of buttons were undone, showing his toned muscles. (Y/n) what the fuck. Stop being a pervert!

"Yo (Y/n)! Open the door!" He yelled from below.

"This better be good..." I mumbled. I unlocked the door, knowing he'll just walk in and make himself at home like always. The paint on the lock was chipping, showing the original metallic red with a rusty undertone. The door was so old, he could probably kick it down or simply push it and it would budge.

"So I was thinking, how about you show me around?" He asked.

"No." I simply stated, eager to get back to my sanctuary. My glorious bed.

Last night I stayed awake reading and catching up on shows. It had been so long since I had a day to myself. I might've gotten slightly carried away. How was I supposed to know the first golden beams of sunlight had materialized? Finally I had gone to sleep only for another distraction to manifest.

"Aw come on! There's some places I wanna go like what's it called? The mall? Yeah! That's right!" He was too overly enthusiastic at such a an early hour and I was no way near a morning person.

"Don't you have malls where you're from? Where'd you grow up? A farm?" I rolled my eyes laughing at my sarcastic joke. Was he just some farm boy? I shuddered, hopefully not... although imagining Inosuke with flannel and overalls shoveling cow crap was a humorous picture.

"A forest actually."

I laughed. "Fine. If you can convince Mitsuri to take care of Mirai I'll go. Knowing you, we'll be out for a while and I don't want her to get sick. She has a weak immune system and she's always touching stuff." He vigorously nodded, grabbing the phone and dialing her number. Fortunately for him, the loving couple agreed. Sometimes I felt bad having them take care of Mirai when I can't but they did always express how little it burdened them and their enjoyment of Mirai's and my company. Maybe I'll prepare them a feast as a token of appreciation. Mitsuri never failed to let me know how much she loved my cooking, practically drooling every time I mention I am.

He drove me in his car while I gave him directions. I hummed to the tune of the radio, another song about young love, how original. I turned to look at him. "Whatchu laughing at huh?" I lightly punched him. Was he making fun of my musical talent?

"Hey! I'm driving!" He exclaimed. Turning the wheel to make a sharp left turn. The tires screeching as he did so, earning fearful glances by nearby pedestrians.

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