Chapter 4: A Twisted Fairytale Part 1

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Disclaimer: emotional manipulation, cheating, violence, insults
( We'll post a summary at the end if you feel triggered by these topics)

"It seems you've become quite attached to this boy, Inosuke is his name, correct?.. Don't forget who really owns you, who really loves you, don't forget where you come from."

"My sweet (Y/n)."

My eyes snap open quickly, I fervently place my head in my clammy hands as I try to steady my breathing. All I can hear is the pounding of my erratic heart as my vision is slowly being taken over by darkness. Before I could pass out I close my eyes and practice the deep breathing techniques that Mitsuri had showed me before. Regaining some of my control, I finally take in what had just happened. I slowly feel my being collapse into itself as I break down and sob into the quiet still night air.

Whimpers rang through the night disturbing the tranquil silence, alarming the half dazed boy. He awoke to the phantom cry of a pained girl.

"(Y/n)?"He gently shook the girl, feeling her trembling form as she desperately grasped onto him, afraid he'd slip away leaving her once more in utter darkness.

"Inosuke..." She rubbed her eyes, being pulled away from her perpetual nightmare induced hell.

"Are you ok?" He stares at her with worry filled eyes, he could tell by the immense fear swimming in her eyes that this was not a normal nightmare... he knew far too well what it was. A painful memory, one that lies in the back of all our minds, only pouncing when we are at our weakest, during the chilling darkness of the night.

They say people are more honest and vulnerable at night, causing nightfall to produce the most meaningful conversations. Maybe that's why (Y/n) felt compelled to tell Inosuke what made her feel so scared that she had broke down crying in the middle of the night.

Yet she wondered, was it the night that provided this comfort or was it him?

Either way, she found herself breaking down in his arms, feeling the walls that guarded her heart crumble slowly away and forming a path to let him in.

"It... it all started on my first year of school..."


"Oh a first year, always acting so innocent... yet are always so dirty..." The man that reeked of cigarettes and alcohol as he ran his fingers up her thigh, smirking slightly. His aroma sickened her, causing the girl to sink further into the brick wall behind her.

She cringed, formulating a plan on how to get out of this uncomfortable situation.

"Why don't you leave the poor damsel alone? that whole shtick gets old." The group of men turned to see a boy her age, hidden in the shadows of the alleyway.

The girl swiftly brought her knee to the older man's groin before elbowing his ribs. She heard a crack echo through the desolate alley. She continued to move with grace, landing punch after punch on the disgusting group of men. After the girl's surprising ambush, the men were left clutching their injuries on the floor. The girl moved away from the darkness and into the light, passing by the wannabe "hero".

"I'm not a damsel in distress." She left feeling accomplished and grateful to her parents for teaching her self defense. Hopefully this will teach them a lesson to not mess with girls.

Unbeknownst to her, she left the strongest impression on the boy rather than the men...

"Welcome home sweetie!" Her mother greeted.

"Hey mom." The girl replied, dragging herself to her bed before flopping onto it.

"What happened?" Her mother followed, running her hands through the girl's soft (h/c) locks.

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