Chapter 5: A Twisted Fairytale Part 2

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My head throbbed in pain. It hurts to even open my eyes, I go to cradle my head but only feel the heat radiating off my tender wrists as the they rub against tight bindings.

I bring myself to open my eyes, scanning the room. It felt unfamiliar, the silk blankets beneath me feel too expensive, they're definitely not my own.

My wrists and ankles are tied to bed posts. Slowly the sickening events that transpired previously returned in full. I could feel warm tears stream heavily down my cheeks, soaking the bedding pooling around me.


Why me?

What did I do?

My mom, my dad, my friends... when will I see them again? I don't want to leave, not like this. Without a proper goodbye. Mitsuri and Iguro, I didn't even get to apologize to them and now I'm being held hostage... By the person I thought loved me... Doma.

I trusted him... how could he? Looking back on it all, I brought this onto myself... now I'm dealing with the consequences.

No use in regretting my past decisions now. I have more... pressing matters at hand. Now more than even, I have to be strong. Don't panic and access the situation.

The rope around my wrists are extremely tight, my hands are already feeling numb. I'll have to wait until he decides to pay me a visit. Maybe then I can somehow manipulate him into letting me go.

No, what am I thinking? Doma isn't easily manipulated and I'm not a good actress. As soon as he opens the door I'll probably lash out or something.

Focus (Y/n)! You can't afford to rebel, we all know how it went last time... I'll have to try to at least play my role in his sick fantasy.

Or maybe...

I can make him desperate.

The door clicked open and there he stood...
well speak of the devil.


"You're awake."

For a man who constantly craves attention, let's see how it feels for him to receive nothing but silence.

"I had to do this, you were going to leave me."

Yeah you were an abusive fucker!

"I'm doing this for us! Can't you see?" I turned my head, uninterested in the bullshit that he kept spewing out of his mouth.

The frantic voice, the desperate clinging, he's already slipping.


The sound of a slap echoed throughout the eerily quiet room. The stinging pain of my cheek grew warmer with each passing moment.

"You brought it upon yourself (Y/n). I won't tolerate any form of disobedience, including silence. Maybe if you beg I'll grant you mercy, I feel pity watching you chained up like this." He leans in closer as he lightly threads my hair through his fingers. His voice a menacing whisper.

I spat on his face before continuing, "Take your pity and go to hell you son of a bitch." His once tranquil face twists into pure anger. Oh god he was fuming, how priceless!

"You're strong because you think you still have hope. I always liked that about you... I wonder how you'll behave when I take it all away from you. When Ive taken away everything and everyone you've ever cared about. When I put out the fire in those beautiful (e/c) eyes..."

Thoughts of my family flashed before my eyes, terror seizing my entire being. Anything but that.

"Wait- no! STOP WAIT! COME BACK! I'M SORRY! DON'T HURT THEM! HURT ME! KILL ME!" I thrashed against the ropes, my wrists and ankles now bleeding and bruised as I desperately screamed, feeling numb to the growing pain on my ankles and wrists.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2020 ⏰

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