chapter 10

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The next day after school, Malfoy's brother, Seneca, gives you guys a ride to the coffee shop . You've come prepared for the meeting date with a notebook and some ideas of what kinds of top branded outfit that you want to have, but you're also thinking it's time to talk to Malfoy about why he's been acting so uncomfortable around you.

"He got a massive crush on you!." Hani and Cherlynne told you when you brought it up at lunch. You noticed it this summer. Every time we went to the pool, he couldn't take his eyes off you.

You're still thinking about that as you sit down with Malfoy and your Mocha Latte at the coffee shop. Things used to be so easy and fun for you guys, but suddenly everything is awkward.

Malfoy: So, let's talk about the dance, I mean, not the dance, but the outfit for the dance, you know....

He trails off and look down, into his mocha nervously.

You just can't take the tension anymore! You have to find out what's up.

Amenda: Look, I don't even know how to ask you this, but is there something up with you--- with us? I feel this strange vibe everytime I'm around you lately, and I don't know why.

You finally say. Phewww!

Malfoy: That's funny, because I feel the same vibe everytime I'm around you

He admits, looking into your eyes. You feel funny in your stomach for a second, but then you remind yourself---- "This is just Malfoy! Guhhh"

Amenda: What do you think is going on?

You ask him, meeting his gaze. He grins and gives you a shrug.

Malfoy: I don't know. Maybe we're meant to be more than just a friends.

He suggest. He reaches across the table and lightly take your hand in his.

Amenda: Sorry, I love you but not that way--- you know what I mean~

Malfoy: But can we just try it?

Amenda: I-I don't know if i can date my best guy friend.

You looked at Malfoy and see that he's really dissapointed with you comment.

Amenda: Sorry, I-I just...

Before you could finish your talk. He stands and quickly grabs his back pack. You can see he wipes his tears on the way he go into the car. He gives you a little wave that makes you want to cry. You sit and watch as they drive off, thinking about what you've done. You feel horrible, but there was nothing else you could do, right?

You really feel guilty to let him to feel like that but you just telling the truth to him. "I guess this is the right way but why I don't feel the way he feel for me. I'm so sorry Malfoy.

A/N: so how about Jimin?

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