Sleepy Bunny

634 35 10

~ Copycat has entered 'Welcome to H3ll' ~

Copycat: Someone come get @ BunBun
Why is he in the 1-B dorms?
Did you send him over to scope out the competition?

GravityBitch: That's where he is!

Sleep: Huh
He's usually with you or @ MOMo

Copycat: Well, now he's here

Bitch Slap: It's honestly quite cute
~ Sent photo ~

Copycat: Traitor!

Steel Dwayne: Why is he here anyways though?
And that's seriously manly @ Copycat


Bitch Slap: Huh, my name is really accurate now that I look at it

Sleep: We'll come over
We've been searching for him for awhile now

Copycat: Well hurry up!

PikaBitch: Nah, let him suffer

Sleep: Is it really suffering though?
It's Midoriya

PikaBitch: True

Copycat: DAMN YOU 1-A SCUM!!

Sleep: Be thankful

~ Sleep has logged out ~

GravityBitch: Take care of him for us, k

~ GravityBitch has logged out ~

Copycat: DAMMIT!

Steel Dwayne: As manly as it would be to help you, I'm meeting up with Kirishima for a manly wrestling match

Bitch Slap: Yaoyorozu wanted to talk with me about something
Have fun

~ Bitch Slap and Steel Dwayne have logged out ~

Copycat: DAMN YOU ALL!!


~ Katy Perry, SugarMan, FLEx and 3 others have entered 'Welcome to H3ll' ~

Katy Perry: It's been 2 hours

SugarMan: Haven't heard anything from the 1-B dorms

FLEx: Tokage sent new a photo
~ Sent photo ~
It's cute but I'm jealous

Sanic: I was wondering what Uraraka was saying when I asked her about Midoriya

Katy Perry: Should we go over and get him?

Tail: You remember the last time we woke him up, right?

John Cena: That was horrifying...

SugarMan: You can say that again

FLEx: Yeah, true
Though I'm still jealous of Monoma
Damn him

Sanic: We should just let them sleep
Plus, we should work on the assessment Sensei gave us
Midoriya has allowed me his notebook with a majority of the information we need

FLEx: Sweet!

Tail: We'll have to thank him later

SugarMan: I can bake him a cake
Red velvet is his favourite, correct?

Katy Perry: If I remember correctly, yes

John Cena: I'll help you!

Sanic: Yes, that would be very nice to give him

Tail: I'll clear out the common room table and grab some drinks

Katy Perry: I'll take some green tea

Sanic: Orange juice please

SugarMan: Iced tea thanks

John Cena: Green tea too please!

FLEx: I'll take some green tea also thanks

Tail: Got it

~ Tail, FLEx, Sanic and three other have logged out ~


Copycat: It's been 4 hours
He's still laying on top of me

Sleep: I'll happily take your place, but I don't feel like getting a broken nose today thanks
~ PikaBitch and Dwayne liked this message ~

Dwayne: I second that

PikaBitch: Third that

Copycat: No wonder he hissed when I tried to move him
What the hell am I meant to do?
I can't feel my god damn legs anymore

Katy Perry: Pet his hair
It helps

Copycat: ...

~ KEM has entered 'Welcome to H3ll' ~

KEM: Fucking do it or the rest of your fucking body is going to be numb for fucking hours till he actually wakes the fuck up
Trust me on this shit

Copycat: he's fucking purring

~ Sleep has logged out ~

Dwayne: Uh oh
Better watch out for Shinsou

PikaBitch: RIP @ Copycat

Copycat: ??

~ Copycat has logged out ~

Katy Perry: He's definitely dead

KEM: Fucking shouldn't have said shit

~ Sleep has entered 'Welcome to H3ll' ~

Sleep: ~ Sent photo ~
Have a busted nose
Worth it

Katy Perry: Masochist

Sleep: Only for Midoriya

KEM: What the fuck

PikaBitch: What did you even do?

Dwayne: I didn't even hear anything
And I'm like right next to the connecting dorm door

~ Copycat has entered 'Welcome to H3ll' ~

Copycat: He rushed in, leaped over the damn coffee table into a crouch by the lounge and grabbed Midoriya's face

Sleep: Got a fist to the face, but it was definitely worth it

Copycat: He's now just petting and staring at him

Sleep: His hair is so damn soft
Leave me alone
I'm too fucking gay for this
I'm gonna die from cuteness

Katy Perry: I'm coming over

KEM: OI! Icyhot, zombie freak, you ain't fucking getting away with this without an explosion to the fucking face!

~ KEM, Katy Perry, Sleep and 1 other have logged out ~

PikaBitch: Damn, I wish I could be there right now

Dwayne: Bakubro and Todoroki just rushed right past me
I kinda wanna go to, but I don't feel like dying today

PikaBitch: That's true
Someone is gonna die

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