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~ Sanic and Tail have entered 'Welcome to H3ll' ~

Sanic: I must ask you all a serious question

Tail: ???

BunBun: At 3 in the morning

Sleep: And you're the one always going off about the importance of sleep

Sanic: I realise that
But this is very important

MOMo: What is it?

Sanic: You all are aware of the upcoming work studies, correct?

Tail: Yeah, why?

Sanic: There has been a, how do I put this...
An interruption

BunBun: What do you mean?

Sanic: @ RatOverLord
Are you here?

RatOverLord: I'm always here!
And Iida is correct
There has been an interruption that has postponed the work studies
Some students will still be able to go, depending on which agency they choose
But most cannot

BunBun: Why?

Tail: What could've interrupted this?

MOMo: This is highly concerning that this has happened

RatOverLord: Not to worry!
The Hero Commission has everything under control
It's just a safety precaution in advance to all the attacks on you students and new villain attacks since the fall of All Might

BunBun: Why did you have to bring that up TT^TT

~ RatOverLord has added @ POWERRR to 'Welcome to H3ll' ~

BunBun: Mirio-Senpai?

POWERRR: Not to worry, my cute little kohai
Everything will be alright from now on!

Sleep: What's he doing here?

SMAAASH: Ah, Young Mirio!
How's it going?

Also, I'm coming over to the dorms

BunBun: Why?

POWERRR: To see my cute little kohais of course!

BunBun: Yay!
I actually have some questions about your quirk

POWERRR: I'll be sure to answer them then!

SMAAASH: Once you're done there, Young Mirio, I would like to have a meeting with you about you-know-what

POWERRR: Of course!
Oh! And that reminds me
I have a proposition for you, Midoriya

BunBun: For me?

How would you like to join me on my internship with Sir Nighteye?

BunBun: REALLY?!

POWERRR: Of course you can!
Sir's been pretty interested in the Quirkless wonder of 1-A

BunBun: I can't believe this!
Yes I'd love to join you!

POWERRR: Awesome!!!

Sanic: So that means that Sir Nighteye's agency is still open then?

~ RevelryInTheDark, GravityBitch and Kermit have entered 'Welcome to H3ll' ~

RevelryInTheDark: I to have been given an opportunity under Hawks once more

GravityBitch: Tsu and I have been asked to join Ryukyu's agency!

Kermit: I'm glad we can still do something
Though I'm sad that I couldn't go back to Selkie's agency, kero

Sleep: Maybe next time

Kermit: Maybe

RatOverLord: So that's at least 5 1-A students now!

Tail: 5?

MOMo: Who's the fifth one?

RatOverLord: Kirishima Ejirou!
He was asked by Amajiki if he wanted to join Fat Gum's agency for his internship

Tail: Ohhh
That makes more sense

MOMo: So five of us are going, the rest aren't

RatOverLord: What about you, @ Sleep?

Sleep: I'm probably gonna bug Aizawa-Sensei to left me intern under him

RatOverLord: Marvellous!

Tail: Damn
I wish I could go

MOMo: It was some great experience

BunBun: Maybe you can get a chance later in the year if they do internships again?

RatOverLord: A wondrous idea
I shall make some changes to the year planner then

Sanic: That's great!

SMAAASH: You should all look forward to it

Tail: Will do!


~ Copycat and Steel Dwayne have entered 'Welcome to H3ll' ~

Copycat: Hmm? What's this?
Some class A members are going on internships?

Steel Dwayne: My bro's going to!
I won't have my buddy around anymore

Dwayne: Cheer up, bro!
We can still talk!

Steel Dwayne: Ya mean it Bro?

Dwayne: If course Bro!
You're my Bro!

Steel Dwayne: Bro

KEM: We fucking get it
You're fucking bros
Now fuck off

Copycat: Someone's in a pissy mood today
What's, is it because you're precious @ BunBun it leaving too without you? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

~ 1 message has been deleted ~


Copycat: Ha! Pathetic

Steel Dwayne: Should I call over Kendo?

Copycat: You wouldn't dare

Dwayne: How about Midoriya?

Copycat: ...
@ Bitch Slap

~ Bitch Slap has entered 'Welcome to H3ll' ~

Bitch Slap: I've been called?

Copycat: Snap my neck please

Bitch Slap: ...Why?

Copycat: Just do it

Steel Dwayne: Taking the manly route out

Dwayne: It's almost enough to make me cry

KEM: Fucking idiots

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