Mei, What Are You Doing?!

244 13 3

~ Psycho Tech has entered 'Welcome to H3ll' ~ 

Psycho Tech: Heyo! 
Who wants to try out my new baby?! 

SCREAM: What have you made now? 

Psycho Tech: Glad you asked! 
It's a gadget that turns people back into babies for a while! 
I haven't gotten the correct time yet 
But it should be between a day and a week 

SCREAM: And why have you made this? 
I'm highly concerned 

Psycho Tech: Ah! 
Someone asked me to 
Said they wanted to try something like this out on someone 
I didn't ask any questions cause it sounded so cool! 

SCREAM: Why am I not surprised... 

~ SCREAM has added GoingInsaneSlowly to 'Welcome to H3ll' ~ 

GoingInsaneSlowly: And why did you add me? 

SCREAM: Are you aware of what your student it doing? 

GoingInsaneSlowly: Sadly 
I can't do anything about it though 

SCREAM: Why not? 

GoingInsaneSlowly: My name should be an indication 
I literally can't do anything with her 

Psycho Tech: Cause I do whatever I want to do! 
I gotta start my business somehow 

GoingInsaneSlowly: See? 

SCREAM: I feel sorry for you more every day 

GoingInsaneSlowly: That's not going to help me 

Psycho Tech: So! 
Who should my guinea pig be? 

~ Sleep has entered 'Welcome to H3ll' ~ 

Sleep: Midoriya 100% 
I need to see this 

SCREAM: Where you the one who asked this? 

Sleep: Nope 
But I must see it now 

Psycho Tech: Leave it to me! 
I'll head over to the dorms right now! 

Sleep: Yes 

SCREAM: I'm disappointed, but also curious 

Sleep: Disappointed dad moments 

SCREAM: I ain't a father yet! 

GoingInsaneSlowly: Yet 

SCREAM: Don't you join this! 

Psycho Tech: I'm here! 
Let me in! 

Sleep: Coming down right now 
Midoriya is here with me 

Psycho Tech: Awesome! 
Time to test out this baby! 

GoingInsaneSlowly: Whatever happens next, I pray for you, Midoriya 

SCREAM: Really can't stop these students when they've got their minds set on something, huh? 

GoingInsaneSlowly: Nope 

SCREAM: I wonder how Shouta puts up with these gremlins 

Sloop: I don't 

SCREAM: Holy shit! 
How long have you been here?! 

Sloop: Awhile now 
Whatever you do Hatsume, you better not harm my students 

Sleep: Dadzawa 

Sloop: ... 
I won't hesitate 

Sleep: Would you say no to Midoriya? 

Sloop: Yes, yes I would 
No amount of puppy dog eyes can stop me 

Sleep: What about kittens? 

Sloop: ... 

SCREAM: That means yes 

Sleep: Holy shit it actually worked... 
~ Sent photo ~ 
He's so cute 

Psycho Tech: Hahaha! 
It worked!! 
My baby works! 

SCREAM: Send me photos 
This is to cute to pass up 

Sloop: I-- 
Fuck it 
Send to me to 

GoingInsaneSlowly: You gotta send it through to every teacher then at that point 

Sloop: Fine... 

Sleep: He's so damn adorable, I can't-- 
I'm gonna have a heart attack 
He's patting my cheek and smiling at me 
I can die a happy man 

Sloop: I will not allow you to die 
And you are not a man 

Sleep: Offended 

Sloop: Good, you should be 

Sleep: Well, I'm going to enjoy spending some time with this adorable sunshine 
Thank you Hatsume 

Psycho Tech: No problem! 

SCREAM: Send lots of pictures 
Also, is Eri with you guys or Togata? 

Sleep: Us 
She's staying here with Midoriya 
I'm sure she'd love to see a baby Midoriya 
They'd be so cute 

GoingInsaneSlowly: Don't do anything stupid 

Sleep: Don't plan to 
Why would I do that with someone so precious? 
I would never do anything to harm this green bean 
Why would you ever suggest that? 

Sloop: Now try to sleep dammit 
You're eyebags rival mine at this point 

SCREAM: He's your damn son 
And I swear that's genetic between you two 

Sloop: We're not even blood related 
The fuck you on about? 

SCREAM: You didn't out-rightly deny it 

Sleep: ... 

~ Sleep and Sloop have logged out ~ 

SCREAM: Can't escape me that easily 

GoingInsaneSlowly: Go get 'em 

SCREAM: Already planned to! 

~ SCREAM and GoingInsaneSlowly have logged out ~ 


Eri and Izuku stared at each other, both unmoving and blinking occasionally. Hitoshi was just taking a video in the background, waiting to see that they'd do. They sat like that for a few minutes before Eri poked Izuku's cheek, and Izuku her's. They blinked once, twice, before breaking out into a fit of giggles. "Mama is small!" Eri said, patting the now 4 year old's head. Izuku leaned into the touch, grinning widely and happily as he hugged Eri. The two laid down and cuddled up, falling asleep soon after. 


~ Sleep has entered 'Welcome to H3ll' ~ 

Sleep: ~ Sent video ~ 
Enjoy the cuteness 

~ Sleep has logged out ~ 

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