Burnt Toast

425 23 5

~ Psycho Tech has entered 'Welcome to H3ll' ~

Psycho Tech: ~ Sent video ~
~ Sent photo ~
Who wants to try out my new baby?!
It's supposed to create holographic images that can be solidified for a set amount of time!

Sloop: What is Power Loader teaching you?

Psycho Tech: How to not blow up things!

SCREAM: I should be worried

Sloop: What are you still doing up?
I thought you were asleep

I've been awake this whole time

RatOverLord: You should both sleep before you get a load of paperwork to complete by the night without sleep


~ SCREAM has logged out ~

Sloop: You know my sleeping schedule
I'm always running off practically no sleep
That's why I have a hundred coffee's a day

RatOverLord: True
You should still try to sleep though

Sloop: I'll try

~ Sloop has logged out ~

RarOverLord: What about you, @ Psycho Tech?

Psycho Tech: Ima work on my babies!
I have more ideas in mind
Do you have any test dummies I can use?

RatOverLord: I'm sure I can find something

Psycho Tech: Sweet!


KEM: Ok, who the fuck burns toast till it's fucking charcoal black?!
How the fuck do you manage this shit?!

PikaBitch: Uh oh

Dwayne: Busted

Copycat: Ha! Class 1-A doesn't even know how to use a toaster!

Bitch Slap: Don't start or I'll do what my name suggests

Copycat: Touché

Steel Dwayne: But how do you manage that?

Dwayne: I honestly don't know bro

PikaBitch: I didn't mean to!

Copycat: Pathetic!

Bitch Slap: Hoe I'll body slam you if you don't stop

~ Copycat has logged out ~

Bitch Slap: Can't escape that easily

AlienQueen: Omg
You just called him a hoe

Bitch Slap: He is now for @ BunBun

~ 1 message has been deleted ~

AlienQueen: Lol

KEM: If he doesn't fuck off, I'll drop kick him into the fucking afterlife
And that's a fucking threat

Steel Dwayne: Remind me not to get onto your bad side, if I'm not already

Dwayne: Practically everyone is

KEM: Got that fucking right

PikaBitch: Me included?

KEM: What the fuck do you think, discount Pikachu?!

PikaBitch: TT^TT

RevelryInTheDark: I shall remember not to annoy you then

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