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~ CraftingTable, BeatsTM, P!NK, and 3 others have entered 'Girls Night Out' ~

CraftingTable: How's everyone doing today?

BeatsTM: Better now that I've actually slept

InvisiBitch: How loud can Mic-Sensei get?
Like damn

P!NK: You have not heard him lecture you before in a small, soundproof room

Politoad: Haven't and don't want to do that ever, kero

Kirby: It just sounds horrifying

P!NK: It is TT^TT

CraftingTable: Well besides that
What do you ladies want to do today?
I was thinking we could go on a shopping spree

BeatsTM: Sounds good
I've been meaning to look into that new music store that just opened up

P!NK: Hot Topic, here I come!

Kirby: I'm broke tho... ;-;

CraftingTable: I can pay for you if you want

Kirby: Really?
Thank you Yaomomo!

CraftingTable: It's no problem

InvisiBitch: I've been wanting some new headphones
My old ones broke

BeatsTM: I can show you the good quality ones

Politoad: I don't think I'll get anything
Maybe a gift for my family

Kirby: You're too cute, Tsu

Politoad: Kero

CraftingTable: That settles it then

Kirby: Oh!
Should we invite Aoyama?

InvisiBitch: Oh yeah!
He said he'd show me some clothing stores that he likes a lot

BeatsTM: Then lets invite him

P!NK: Yeah!


~ Dwayne, PikaBitch, FLEx and 1 other have entered 'Welcome to H3ll' ~

Dwayne: Man, work studies is hard

FLEx: I thought you were looking forward to it

Dwayne: Was until some dude shot Amajiki-Senpai
So not manly

PikaBitch: Someone shot him?!

Dwayne: Togata-Senpai already went to check on him
Said he's doing good
Apparently it was a temporary quirk erasing bullet

FLEx: Holy shit!

PikaBitch: Thank kami its temporary

Dwayne: That's what I said

FLEx: That would've been bad

Sloop: Nothing to worry about now

Dwayne: Sensei?!

PikaBitch: What are you doing here?

Sloop: Noticed you were talking about the quirk erasing bullets
Apparently that Yakuza guy that was stalking Midoriya is the person who's been crafting them
He's now sitting in Tartarus

FLEx: That super guarded prison far away?

Sloop: Yes, that one

Dwayne: What about his comrades?

Sloop: We're going to apprehend them today

PikaBitch: Oh thank kami

Dwayne: Why was he doing this?

Sloop: He said that, and I quote, "quirks are diseases that need to be wiped out"
That's also the reason he was stalking Midoriya

FLEx: Creepy dude

PikaBitch: At least he's gone now, right?

Sloop: That's correct 
Just like with All For One and Stain
They are all locked up there
They have a history of no one escaping
If they tried, they'd be killed on the spot

Dwayne: Damn

PikaBitch: Overkill much?

FLEx: I mean, they deserve it
They've killed so many people

PikaBitch: Touché

Dwayne: Oh! That reminds me
What's gonna happen with Eri?

Sloop: She's staying here with us
She's already attached to Midoriya
So I'd rather not stress her out by taking her away

Dwayne: That's true
Apparently she called him "mama"

Sloop: If the previous texts and videos are anything to go by, yes she did

PikaBitch: So cute

FLEx: It's adorable

Dwayne: Midoriya would make a great mother

Sloop: Enough fantasising about your classmate

FLEx: What?!
We aren't fantasising anything!
~ Dwayne and PikaBitch liked this message ~

Sloop: Sure
Anyway, what do you plan to do today?
I'd rather not walk in and find everyone collapsed on the lounges and bean bags
Do something productive

Dwayne: Dadzawa
~ FLEx and PikaBitch liked this message ~

Sloop: You have 1 minute to get out here, delete that message and apologise for saying something so ridiculous

Dwayne: Shit!

~ 1 message has been deleted ~

PikaBitch: Lol

Sloop: That goes for you and Sero too

PikaBitch: SHIT!

FLEx: We're screwed

~ FLEx, Dwayne and PikaBitch, have logged out ~

Sloop: Damn teens

RatOverLord: You have to admit though
You do act like a dad to them

Sloop: ...
I don't get paid enough for this

RatOverLord: And you're not getting any more

Sloop: I wish I did, having to deal with a class of horny teenagers
This is too much

RatOverLord: But you do like them
You haven't expelled anyone since the first day!

Sloop: He was a pervert
And unfit to be a hero
I can come up with more reasons, but that requires using my brain

RatOverLord: I can accept that

Sloop: Good
Now I need to make sure these guys actually do something today like the girls and Aoyama
So I can actually sleep for once

RatOverLord: Of course that's your reasoning
It's your reasoning for everything

Sloop: I bring my sleeping bag everywhere for a reason
To use it
And sleep

RatOverLord: Touché
Well, enjoy your nap
I have some paperwork to get done

Sloop: Thanks

~ Sloop and RatOverLord have logged out ~

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