Big Trouble In Little Paris

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Kobe told Colette what the group wanted to eat. Percy would've been too shy to speak up, and Bruno was far too distracted by the sight of the food nearby. It was heaven to him.

Percy cleared his throat. The awkwardness had begun. "So... um... h-how's school? Is it nice? Bad? Anything exciting going on...?"

"You're speaking like a parent, Percy," Bruno rolled his eyes. He had hoped to spend the rest of the time enjoying food in peace. "Aren't you a bit out of your league here? I thought you spend your time hanging out with Bianca."

"Bianca has to take care of her siblings. She doesn't really have time to hang out outside of school," he blushed, "She... she wouldn't want to hang out with me, anyway..."

"Apart from those new superheroes, life is pretty boring," shrugged Kobe, "Almost makes me wish I was them, you know? Imagine how cool it would be!" he was trying his best to hide his secret identity, even if he could feel his kwami rustling about in his bag.

"Yeah, but it would get annoying. You'd have to be called away to help, no matter what you were doing," Bruno explained, "Like... oh, Colette over there, for example. She looks happy."

The boys glanced over to their server. Colette was talking to an older man, roughly just after school leaving age. What? Kobe was trying his best.

The man was raising his voice - they were having an argument. Curious, Kobe perked his ears up so he could listen to their conversation.

"You said we were going to mine after work!" The man argued, "Come on, sweet cheeks..."

Colette huffed before responding. "I'm tired, okay? I want to go home after my shift and sleep."

"Trouble in paradise?" Bruno chuckled as they watched the argument. "We, uh, really shouldn't be watching this, though. They're causing a scene."

Whilst Bruno was talking, the argument began to escalate. Not wanting to draw further attention to herself, Colette headed for the door, dragging the man with her.

"Just leave me alone, already!" cried Colette, "Get out of here! I don't want to be with you anymore!"

Unsurprisingly, the man didn't seem to like that. He grabbed Colette's wrist, squeezing on her skin tight. "Don't you dare speak to me like that! Where are you going, anyway?"

"Away from you!" Colette screamed into his face and kicked the man's shin. He let go, allowing Colette to bolt out of the door and run into the street outside.

Immediately, the man ran after her, slamming the door wide open. Percy jumped out of his chair and pointed to the door.

"Come on, you two! We have to help her!" Percy exclaimed, dragging Bruno out of his seat. "The Miraculous Six won't sort out things like this. It's up to us!"

Kobe and Bruno were surprised by Percy's sudden outburst. He was usually the quiet kid that sat at the back of the class. Nevertheless, they agreed; they jumped out of their seats and ran out of the door. At least they didn't dine and dash.

"Where did they go?!" Kobe asked the group, spinning around in confusion. "Percy, did you at least take note of where she ran off to...?"

Percy nodded and pointed to the west. "Here! Down the alley! If we run fast enough, we might be able to break up the argument... before it gets any worse."

The three boys ran in the direction that Percy was pointing at. Their feet pounded against the pavement; all three of them wished they could transform right about now. It would be better on their feet.

"There he is!" Bruno yelled, pointing towards the end of the alley. He could just make out a shadow of a man running down it. "Hah.. I've never ran so hard in my life..."

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